Page 313 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 313

Flow Devices

            150 mm Flowmeter

            150 MM, Variable Area Flowmeters (Series 150)
            Series 150 flowmeters offer an accurate yet economical means
            of measuring gas or liquid flow at low pressures and over a wide
            range of flow rates. Suitable for both plant and laboratory use,
            they are widely used in gas chromatography, atomic absorption
            spectroscopy and process control.

              Standard Features
            n  Two (2) floats per tube expand    n  Ten-to-one (10:1) rangeability.
              range of flowmeter.    n  Metering tubes sealed by
            n  Interchangeability of control      compression.
              valve and metering tube    n  Metering tube assemblies
              assemblies without disconnect-     contain float stops to prevent          150 mm, Variable
              ing from the process piping.    float loss during tube assembly            Area Flowmeter
            n  Rib-guided metering tube for       removal.
              improved float stability and    n  Available with or without a
              accuracy.                control valve.
            n  Ceramic scales, with contrasting                  Calibration
              background for easy viewing,
              fired on metering tube.                          Standard (+ 5% accuracy) calibration is performed using Air at normal
                                                               temperature (70 °F) and pressure (14.7 psia). Calibrations for gases other
                                                               than air are mathematically derived from the air calibration. Calibration
              Optional Features                                charts for air are shipped with each flowmeter or replacement tube.
                                                               Calibration charts for many other gases and gas mixtures are available
            n  Sapphire, carboloy or tantalum    n  Baseplate with leveling screws    at no additional charge. Specify the required calibration charts when
              floats allow range of flowmeter      permits bench use.  ordering. The accuracy of this calibration is +5% of full scale. All charts
              to be changed without replacing    n  High resolution control valve for    are supplied in metric flow metric flow increments (i.e. sccm or slpm)
              the tube.                precise flow control.   unless otherwise specified.

              Specifications                                     Materials
            n  Scale                 n  Performance            n  Metering Tube         n  Structural Members (cont.)
              Length: 150 mm           Accuracy: ± 5% full scale.    Borosilicate glass    Metering Valve:
              Type: Fused on metering      Accuracy specified for 100%    n  Floats       Black anodized aluminum
              tube with contrasting yellow       to 10% of scale reading      Glass and 316 stainless steel       (standard cartridge valve only),
              background               (10 to 1 rangeability)    (standard). Sapphire, carboloy      brass/nickel-plated brass (high
              Graduations: 0-150 mm with      Repeatability: ± 0.25% of full     and tantalum optionally     resolution control valve only) or
              calibration data         scale reading            available – refer to Tube         316 stainless steel.
            n  Capacities            n  Connections             Selection Table (see page E •313)    n  Shields
              Refer to Tube Selection Table    1/8" female NPT threaded     and Optional Equipment    Window: Clear polycarbonate
     Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
                                       adapters with locknuts for                         Back: Opaque white
            n  Maximum Operating                               n  Float Stops
              Pressure and Temperature       front panel mounting    Teflon               polycarbonate
              Ratings                n  Approximate Weight     n  Structural Members    n  Tube Packing and O-rings
              200 psig at temperatures     1 lb                 Side Plates: Black anodized       Viton  (optional materials
              up to 200 °F                                      aluminum                  available)
                                                                End Fittings: Black anodized       Viton  – DuPont Dow
                                                                aluminum or 316 stainless steel     Elastomers, L.L.C.
              Ordering Information
            Single (1)-Tube Flowmeter   Configuration         End Blocks    Valve Assembly        Inlet and Outlet
            Part Number                                       Material      Materials             Adapter Material
            PRSFM4300-(  )         Without Valve              Aluminum      Not Applicable        Aluminum
            PRSFM4310-(  )         Without Valve              316 SS        Not Applicable        316 SS
            PRSFM4301-(  )         With Standard Cartridge Valve   Aluminum   Aluminum            Aluminum
            PRSFM4311-(  )         With Standard Cartridge Valve   316 SS   316 SS                l316 SS
            PRSFM4302-(  )         With High Resolution Control Valve   Aluminum   Brass, nickel-plated brass    Aluminum
                                                                            and 316 stainless steel
            PRSFM4312-(  )         With High Resolution Control Valve   316 SS   316 SS           316 SS
            Where ( ) is indicated “Single (1) – Tube Flowmeter Part Number”, complete the part
            number by inserting applicable tube number from Tube Selection Table on page E •313.
            Example: PRSFM4300-1. Order by complete part number.

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