Page 308 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 308
Gas Delivery Systems
Semiconductor Gas Cabinets, Panels and Controllers
Process Panels*
UP6 Process Panel UP2 Manual Purge Panel WP5M Manual Process Panel
for Hazardous Gas Service
Reliable Safe Operation
n Fully automatic switchover capability for n Vent system with integral venturi valve n Fully swept flow paths
uninterrupted gas flow assures efficient purging n Continuous vent bleed system allows
n Industry standard UHP components n Mirror-finish stainless steel backplate nitrogen flow to discharge from the
n Leak tested and certified to maximize facilitates component inspection system during power failure
system integrity n Two-point fastened pigtails prevent n Engineered to improve purge efficiency
transmission of torque to VCR and reduce entrapment areas
Easy to Use n All pneumatic valves are closed during
n Positive flow of purge gas out of pigtails power loss or pneumatic failure
n Single plane design with removable while changing cylinders helps prevent
manifolds for easy maintenance atmospheric contamination
i Other valve manifold configurations Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
are available upon request.
Automatic System Controllers
SurePurge 100 PLC Controller SurePurge 8100 System Monitor SurePurge AWS 100 Auto Switchover
Used to control PRS6 Panel System monitoring device for gas cabinets Required to perform auto-switching
n Enhanced safety and security through four n Features plug in replacement for n Features plug in replacement for ASW100
level password protocol SM8100/EES series controllers series controllers
n One of the smallest Programmable n Reliable PLC platform n Reliable PLC platform
Logic Controllers (PLC) on the market n Touch screen interface n Touch screen interface
n Plug and play replacement model for the n Configurable for one or two semiautomatic n Configurable for one or two semiautomatic
UP100 UltraPurge ™ panels panels
n Program an automatic purge routine n Scale inputs built in n Scale inputs built in
n Advanced communication options allow n User Configurable Alarms n User Configurable Alarms
remote monitoring of your cabinet n Main screen shown n Main screen shown
i Let our trained experts help you select a configuration
based on your specific needs, contact your local
Praxair representative for more information.
1-877-PRAXAIR E•307