Page 316 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 316
Flow Devices
High Capacity Flowmeters
High Capacity, Variable Area Flowmeters
(Series 50HC)
Series 50HC flowmeters offer a means of measuring gas
or liquid flows at capacities higher than our other variable area
flowmeters (up to 15 scfm air). They are suitable for both plant
and laboratory use.
Standard Features
n Large diameter flow tubes n Borosilicate glass tubes
permit flows as high as allow operating temperatures
15 standard cubic feet up to 200 °F.
per minute (scfm) of air. n Brass or stainless steel
n Ribbed tubes stabilize float construction permits use
and improve accuracy and in either corrosive or
readability. noncorrosive gas service.
50HC Series
Specifications Flowmeter
n Maximum Operating n Repeatability
Pressure and Temperature Within 0.5% of full scale
200 psig at 200 °F
minimum operating n Tube Graduations
scfm of air
n Minimum Operating n Scale Length Table 1 – Gas Conversion Factors for
Temperature 75 mm Series 50HC Flowmeters
32 °F (0 °C) To select the proper tube for gases other than air, multiply flow rate
n Inlet and Outlet Connections
n Accuracy 3/8" FPT values for air given in the Tube Selection Chart below by the applicable
± 10% of full scale from conversion factor. Then use these new flow rate values to select
10% to 100% of range n Approximate Weight appropriate tube number. If you have questions contact your local
2.5 lb Praxair representative. Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
Materials Gas Factor* Gas Factor*
Acetylene 1.04 Helium 2.69
n Tube n Back Plate
Borosilicate Glass White Plastic Ammonia 1.30 Hydrogen 3.81
n Float and Float Stops n Front Plate Argon 0.85 Methane 1.35
Type 316 Stainless Steel Clear Plastic Butane 0.70 Neon 1.20
n End Blocks n Seals and Packing Carbon Dioxide 0.81 Nitrogen 1.01
See Ordering Information Viton ®
Carbon Monoxide 1.01 Oxygen 0.95
n Inlet/Outlet Adaptors n Metering Valve
See Ordering Information Chrome-Plated Brass or Ethane 0.98 Propane 0.80
316 Stainless Steel Ethylene 1.02 Sulfur Dioxide 0.66
n Side Plates
Aluminum * Conversion factors are approximately equal to square root
of the reciprocal of the specific gravity of the gas ( 1/SG).
Ordering Information
Series 50HC Flowmeters Tube Selection Chart for Series 50HC Flowmeters
Part Number Metering Valve, End Blocks and Replacement Tube Tubes Air Flow Rate Range
Inlet/Outlet Adaptor Material Part Number Number at 70 °F and 14.7 psia
PRSFM4470-( ) Chrome-Plated Brass PRSFM4471 1 0.6–3.4 scfm
PRSFM4480-( ) Type 316 Stainless Steel PRSFM4472 2 0.6–6.0 scfm
Where “( )” is indicated above, complete the part number by inserting applicable tube PRSFM4473 3 1.2–12.0 scfm
number from the Tube Selection Chart to the right. Example: PRSFM4470-1 which PRSFM4474 4 2.0–20.0 scfm
has a flow range of 0.6 to 3.4 scfm. Order by complete part number.
1-877-PRAXAIR E•315