Page 315 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 315
Flow Devices
Gas Blenders
150 MM, Two Tube Gas Blenders (Series 150)
This blender is a special version of our Series 150 flowmeter.
It allows two gases to be metered and blended into a homo-
geneous, two-component mixture.
Standard Features
n Two floats per tube (standard) n Metal mixing tube ensures n Threaded fittings with locking
expand range of blender. homogeneous mixing while nuts permit front panel
n Ribbed flow tubes stabilize providing a common outlet mounting.
floats and improve accuracy port for the gas mixture. n Unique valve design allows
and readability. n Linear scale (10–150 mm) bubble-tight shutoff.
n Wide tube selection allows allows each blender to be
gases to be blended in a used with a variety of gases
variety of ratios. via calibration charts.
Optional Features
n Baseplate with leveling n High accuracy valves with n Individual calibration provides
screws permits bench use. non-rotating stems (NRS) ± 1% of full scale accuracy
n Inlet filters trap foreign matter, allow very fine adjustments to (±2% on tube No. 1).
extend flowmeter life and flow settings (see Ordering Two Tube Gas Blender with
reduce maintenance. Information below). Optional Baseplate
Specifications Materials
n Maximum Operating n Repeatability n Tubes n Side Plates
Pressure and Temperature Within 0.5% of full scale Borosilicate Glass with Aluminum
200 psig at 250 °F (each tube) float stops of Teflon ® n Back Plate
n Minimum Operating n Tube Graduations n Mixing Tube White Plastic
Temperature Millimeters (0–150) Type 316 Stainless Steel n Front Plate
32 °F Clear Plastic
n Scale Length n Floats
n Accuracy 150 mm Borosilicate Glass and n Seals and Packing
± 5% of full scale from 10% to Type 316 Stainless Steel are Viton (other materials
100% of range (each tube) n Inlet and Outlet Connections standard. Other float materials available on special order)
Optional 1/8" FPT (2 inlets, 1 outlet) are available – see Tube
± 1% of full scale calibration n Approximate Weight Selection Table (page E •313) n Valves
is available 2 lb and Optional Equipment, below Model FM4621:
Chrome-Plated Brass
n End Blocks All Others:
See Ordering Information Type 316 Stainless Steel
Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
n Inlet/Outlet Adaptors
See Ordering Information
Ordering Information
Part Number Configuration End Blocks Material Inlet/Outlet Adaptor Material
PRSFM-4620-( ) With Standard Metering Valves Aluminum Aluminum
PRSFM-4621-( ) With High Accuracy (NRS) Metering Valves Aluminum Aluminum
PRSFM-4630-( ) With Standard Metering Valves 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel
PRSFM-4631-( ) With High Accuracy (NRS) Metering Valves 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel
Where “( )” is indicated above, complete the part number by inserting the required tube numbers
in the order in which they are to be installed. Select tubes from Tube Selection Table on page E •313.
Example: PRSFM4620-12, tube number 1 will be on the left and tube number 2 on the right.
Optional Equipment
Part Number Description Part Number Description
PRSFM4702 Base plate See page E •313 Floats* (see Optional Equipment Table)
PRSFM4741 Inlet filter, 2 micron Aluminum (2 required) ** Specify gas, temperature and pressure when ordering a ± 1% calibration.
PRSFM4746 Inlet filter, 2 micron Type 316 Stainless Steel (2 required) A calibration should be ordered for each of the two tubes. Please note the
* Tubes are supplied standard with borosilicate glass and stainless steel floats. accuracy for tube No.1 is ± 2%.
As an option, the glass float may be replaced by sapphire; the stainless steel
float may be replaced by either carboloy or tantalum.
E•314 1-877-PRAXAIR