Page 314 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 314

Flow Devices

                                              Tube Selection for 150 mm Flowmeters

              Tube Selection Table for Series 150 Flowmeters
              Maximum flow rates shown are at 70 °F and 14.7 PSIA. (Minimum flow rates = 1/10 of maximum flow rate)
              Tube     Float     Air     Argon     Carbon Dioxide   Helium   Hydrogen   Nitrogen   Oxygen   Water
              Number   Material   (slpm)   (slpm)   (slpm)      (slpm)   (slpm)    (slpm)    (slpm)   (cc/min)
              1        Glass     .050    .042     .058          .047    .103       .052      .045     0.55
                       Sapphire   .081   .065     .092          .077    .162       .084      .070     1.04
                       316 SS    .150    .123     .160          .149    .323       .156      .135     2.50
                       Carboloy   .263   .214     .268          .273    .606       .265      .235     5.30
                       Tantalum   .300   .256     .280          .341    .726       .306      .281     6.60
              2        Glass     .089    .077     .110          .091    .195       .095      .082     1.10
                       Sapphire   .144   .116     .168          .143    .311       .145      .127     2.15
                       316 SS    .278    .227     .298          .271    .580       .280      .245     4.90
                       Carboloy   .473   .399     .480          .519    1.11       .485      .442     10.0
                       Tantalum   .560   .466     .514          .632    1.32       .570      .520     12.0
              3        Glass     .365    .300     .360          .390    .840       .380      .326     4.70
                       Sapphire   .514   .440     .449          .620    1.30       .541      .488     10.0
                       316 SS    .835    .714     .750          1.18    2.35       .860      .800     19.0
                       Carboloy   1.25   1.05     1.10          2.16    3.84       1.29      1.18     36.0
                       Tantalum   1.37   1.17     1.19          2.45    4.30       1.40      1.28     41.0
              A        Glass     .850    .709     .755          1.50    2.65       .860      .786     16.0
                       Sapphire   1.10   .942     .980          2.00    3.54       1.15      1.00     27.0
                       316 SS    1.70    1.44     1.40          3.50    5.60       1.73      1.58     46.0
                       Carboloy   2.43   2.00     2.14          5.10    8.10       2.40      2.32     73.0
                       Tantalum   2.62   2.24     2.27          5.60    8.80       2.60      2.50     81.0
              4        Glass     2.34    1.90     2.06          5.00    7.80       2.40      2.33     55.0
                       Sapphire   3.08   2.63     2.69          6.70    10.3       3.12      2.90     79.0
                       316 SS    4.64    3.80     4.00          10.3    15.5       4.70      4.36     132
                       Carboloy   6.60   5.50     5.60          15.0    22.6       6.70      6.20     200
                       Tantalum   7.00   6.00     6.07          16.0    23.7       7.10      6.60     214
              B        Glass     3.80    3.20     3.40          8.20    12.8       3.90      3.55     87.0
                       Sapphire   5.07   4.30     4.40          10.8    16.3       5.10      4.80     126
                       316 SS    7.58    6.50     6.45          16.9    25.5       7.80      7.20     210           Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
                       Carboloy   10.8   9.40     9.12          24.5    38.1       11.1      10.6     330
                       Tantalum   11.5   10.0     9.69          26.4    41.1       12.0      11.2     353
              5        Glass     7.70    6.51     6.50          16.5    26.0       7.60      7.00     173
                       Sapphire   9.64   8.26     8.30          21.8    33.5       10.0      9.19     260
                       316 SS    14.3    12.2     12.0          31.2    47.0       15.2      13.3     420
                       Carboloy   20.1   17.2     17.1          47.6    71.3       20.6      19.1     625
                       Tantalum   22.0   18.5     18.0          51.0    76.2       22.4      20.9     680
              6        Glass     23.3    20.0     19.9          55.6    82.4       23.7      22.4     550
                       Sapphire   30.5   26.0     25.9          78.8    111        31.1      28.9     840
                       316 SS    45.0    38.0     37.4          109     165        44.9      41.0     1332
                       Carboloy   61.7   53.4     52.1          157     223        62.0      58.3     1956
                       Tantalum   65.4   56.4     55.2          167     236        65.5      63.0     2160
              Flow capacities for gases not listed may be obtained by contacting your local representative.
              *  Series 150 flow tubes are supplied standard with both a glass and 316 SS float.
                Other float materials are optional. See Optional Equipment below.

              Optional Float Materials
              Description                     Part Number
              Sapphire Float – Tube Numbers 1,2,3,A,4,B   PRS-102-8-SP
              Sapphire Float – Tube Numbers 5,6   PRS-102-3-SP
              Carboloy Float – Tube Numbers 1,2,3,A,4,B   PRS-102-10-CB
              Carboloy Float – Tube Numbers 5,6   PRS-102-5-CB
              Tantalum Float – Tube Numbers 1,2,3,A,4,B   PRS-102-9-TA
              Tantalum Float – Tube Numbers 5,6   PRS-102-4-TA

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