Page 310 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 310
Gas Delivery Systems
Bulk Gas Delivery Systems
SureFlow Bulk Specialty Gas Supply Systems
and Controllers
Praxair is revolutionizing flow rates for ammonia as well as many
other specialty gases. Our systems significantly reduce the
number of cylinder changeouts required by conventional systems
– helping customers achieve improvements in uptime, production
costs, more consistent purity, and most importantly, safety.
The proprietary Praxair enclosed heating system and new silicone
rubber heat blanket system allow for higher flow rates while
maintaining controlled external ton container temperatures. These
systems can be skid mounted to facilitate installation and move- SureFlow 500
ment around the facility. They deliver continuous ammonia flows Regulator Manifolds
of 600 slpm with peaks greater than 3000 slpm.
Gases Heating System
n Ammonia (NH 3 ) n Methane (CH 4 ) n Automatic shutoff with dual set points
n Chlorine (Cl 2 ) n Nitrous Oxide (N 2 O) n Safety critical alarms shut off flow
n Dichlorosilane (SiH 2 Cl 2 ) n Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF 3 ) n Infrared temperature monitoring of ton container surface
n Hydrogen Chloride (HCI) n Octafluorotetrahydrofuran (enclosed heat system)
n Halocarbon 14 (CF 4 ) (C 4 F 8 O) n Enclosed heat system is fully insulated and weather resistant
n Halocarbon 23 (CHF 3 ) n Silane (SiH 4 )
n Halocarbon 116 (C 2 F 6 ) n Silicon Tetrachloride (SiCl 4 )
n Halocarbon 218 (C 3 F 8 ) n Trichlorosilane (HSiCl 3 )
n Halocarbon 318 (C 4 F 8 )
Reliable, Easy-to-Use and Safe to Operate
n Self contained purge system n Train isolation allows service Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
n Failsafe normally closed valves on one train while the other
n Data acquisition or remote remains in service
monitoring PC interface on n Ventilated enclosures – air
controller intake filters and diffuser for
n Redundant supply trains continuous, positive ventilation
n Auto switchover based on n Double block valves for safe
weight or pressure maintanance
n Bypass valving allows n All components are 3000 psig
cross utilization of gas and rated
components n Optional, redundant controller
n Excess flow switch provides optimum service
Designed for High Purity
n Components and piping n Minimized wetted surface
are UHP electropolished area of components Enclosed heating system (left)
316L Stainless Steel with an n Springless, packless s
internal finish of less than diaphragm valves and silicone rubber heat system
10 Ra Max n All welds are high-purity (right)
n Low dead space components orbital welds
and tubing branches for n All manual connections are
efficient purging VCR type
n Pressure transducers with n Leak tight and tested to
low dead space 1 x 10 scc/sec He
s BSGS Redundant
PLC Controller
n Component burn-in prior to n Critical alarms close all valves
shipment n AC/DC power failure detection
n Liquid crystal display TFT n Ethernet communication ready
touchscreen n Optional fiber optic RS-485
n Full graphical interface n Digital I/O optically isolated to
n Emergency shutoff button prevent solenoid EM field from
on front disrupting microprocessor i Let our trained experts help you select a configuration
n All valve actuations are verified n Menu driven operation based on your specific application, contact your local
Praxair representative for more information.
1-877-PRAXAIR E•309