Page 124 - ProStar Product Guide
P. 124


               ProStar  Premium Quality Stick Electrodes

                Mild steel & low hydrogen covered

                electrodes deliver high-production
                radiographic welds

                ProStar’s hydrogen covered electrodes are
                specified in many welding applications



                         Electrode   Tensile Strength  Position   Coating
                                    in  Ksi         1.  All-position
                                                    2. Flat & horizontal

                 AWS Spec      Coating Type     Coating Code      Current     Application
                 E6010         Cellulose        0                 DCEP        Made for welding carbon steels. Primarily
                               Sodium                                         used for pipe welding: cross country,
                                                                              in plant, and non-critical, small-diameter piping.
                 E6011         Cellulose        1                 ALL         Good penetration on AC, all positions.
                               Potassium                          AC          Electrode for mild and galvanized steel.
                 E6013         Titania          3                 DCEN        Good for poor fit-up. All-position, general
                               Potassium                          AC          purpose AC electrode for mild steel.
                 E7014         Iron powder      4                 ALL         For higher deposition and faster travel speeds.
                               Titania                                        All-position straight polarity and AC electrode
                                                                              for mild steel.
                 E7018         Iron  powder     8                 DCEP        Low hydrogen electrode for low and medium
                               Low hydrogen                                   carbon steels. All-position (except for vertical
                                                                              down) reverse electrode.
                 E7018         Iron powder      8                 AC          Low hydrogen electrode for low and medium
                               Low hydrogen                                   carbon steels. All-position (except for vertical
                                                                              down) AC electrode.
                 a. DCEP – Direct Current Electrode Positive     b. DCEN – Direct Current Electrode Negative    c. AC – Alternating Current  Mild steel covered electrodes
                                                                                            Low hydrogen covered electrodes

                  Stick Electrode Selection Guidelines

             1.  BASE METAL PROPERTIES               2. WELDING POSITION                     3. WELDING CURRENT

               Match mechanical properties and         Match the electrode to                  Match the available
               composition. Mild steel: select         the welding position                    power supply.
               E60xx or E70xx electrodes to match      encountered.
               base metal. Low alloy steel: select
               electrodes that match base metal

              C24                                 1-800 225 8247
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