Page 395 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 395
Gas Detection Systems
Direct Connect Sensors
The RKI Direct Connect series gas sensors are highly reliable The toxic sensors are electrochemical type plug-in sensors,
and very cost effective for the detection of common gas which provide high specificity, fast response, and long life.
hazards. The direct connect series are available for LEL, H The plug-in design allows quick replacement in the field
Specific LEL, LEL IR, Oxygen, H S, CO, CO 2 , and for a with no tools required. Toxic sensors are designed for use
variety of toxic gases. The sensors for LEL, H , Oxygen, in Class I, Div. 2 hazardous locations. Sensors are available
H S, CO 2 , and Carbon Monoxide are explosion-proof with for NH , SO 2 , PH 3 , AsH 3 , and HCN.
flame arrestors, and approved for use in hazardous areas The Direct Connect sensors can be used either indoors
(Class 1, Div. 1 Groups B, C, D). An optional non-explosion or outdoors. The flame arrestors for the explosion-proof
proof version is available for oxygen, H S, CO, and CO 2 for versions utilize a patented coating which make them water
use in non-hazardous atmospheres.
repellent. Also, splash guards are available for use in very
The Direct Connect sensors can be used in two different wet environments. An optional stainless steel junction box
ways. The sensors can be mounted directly to the con- is available for corrosive environments.
trollers as a complete stand alone system, or they can All of the Direct Connect sensors are designed to specifically
be mounted to explosion proof junction boxes for remote interface with RKI Beacon 110, 200, and 410 controllers.
n Available gases include – LEL, H 2 S, CO, and CO 2
n Toxic sensors include – NH 3 , AsH 3 , HCN, PH 3 , and SO 2
n Infrared sensor for combustibles and CO 2
n Patented water repellent sensor coating
n Explosion proof construction Explosion Proof
n Optional stainless steel junction box LEL
Explosion Proof
O 2 /H 2 S / CO
NH3 Sensor
Explosion Proof
IR LEL and CO 2
Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
E•394 1-877-PRAXAIR