Page 394 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 394

Gas Detection Systems

                                              Two Channel Wall Mount Controller

            The Beacon 800
            The Beacon  800 is a versatile, low cost fixed system controller
            for one to eight points of gas detection. It is microprocessor
            controlled and is capable of accepting up to 8 separate 4-20 mA
            sensor transmitters which can be either 2 or 3 wire. The Beacon
            800 can be powered by either 24 VDC, or 85-264 VAC. It is
            simple to operate and comes complete with a wall mount
            installation kit.
            The 2 large digital displays have backlighting and easily identify
            both the gas type and the gas concentration for all 8 channels
            simultaneously. The Beacon  800 is housed in a NEMA 4X rated
            case for a weather tight seal. This case design complies with lock
            out / tag out standards and can be fully secured. An external reset
            switch allows alarms to be silenced from outside the controller
            housing. The bottom mounted wiring hubs allow for easy wiring.
            With 3 amp rated relays, the Beacon  800 can be wired directly
            to a variety of devices like alarm horns, buzzers, or lights. This
            eliminates the need for costly external relays from the controller
            to devices. RKI offers the industry’s widest selection of standard
            and toxic gas detection sensors, which can be utilized with the
            Beacon  800, providing gas monitoring protection for almost
            any application.

              Features                                           Applications
            n  Capable of up to 8 separate     n  Accepts any 4-20 mA    n  Petrochemical plants  n  Parking garages  Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
              channels                 transmitter             n  Refineries            n  Manufacturing facilities
            n  Digital display of all 8 channels    n  Audible alarm with reset button  n  Water and wastewater treatment    n  Steel
              simultaneously         n  Two programmable alarm levels      plants
            n  Compact, weatherproof,      per channel         n  Pulp and paper mills  n  Automotive
              NEMA 4X enclosure      n  Common alarm and fail relays                    n  HVAC
                                                               n  Gas, telephone, and electric
            n  85 to 264 VAC or 24 VDC       n  Relay rating 3 amps, form C    utilities
            n  Long life sensors     n  Low cost versatile solution
              (2+ years typical)

            Physical                 Operating Environment     Outputs                  n  Audible
            n  Dimensions            n  Operating Temperature   n  Relays                 Built-in audible alarm, 94 dB,
              Height: 12.5" 318 mm     -4 °F to 122 °F (-10 °C to 50 °C)    2 relays per channel 3 amp        mounted on enclosure
              Width 11.0" 279 mm     n  Storage Temperature      rating, SPDT isolated contacts.    Coded output: pulsing = gas
              Depth 6.4" 163 mm        -4 °F to 158 °F (-20 °C to 70 °C)    1 set of common relays:      alarm, steady = fail
            n  Enclosure             n  Relative Humidity        2 for gas alarm levels, 1 for       n  Visual
              Wall mounting grey fiberglass       0 - 100% RH    malfunction              4 visual LED alarms on front
              with hinged cover.                                 Relays fully programmable for:     cover for alarm indications, pilot,
            n  Conduit Connection    n  Enclosure Rating         Increasing or decreasing alarms,    and malfunction.
                                       NEMA-4X enclosure,
                                                                 latching or self reset alarms,
              3/4" NPT conduit hubs,      waterproof, chemical, and         Normally energized or normally    n  Optional Expansion Cards
              4 provided for sensors, power,      weather resistant.    de-energized, time delay for       Individual 4-20 mA (or 1 - 5
              and relay wiring.                                  alarm on and alarm off.    VDC) outputs. Heavy duty relay
            n  Wiring Termination    Inputs                    n  24VDC                   card (4 each @ 30 amps)
              Screw type terminal block,    n  4-20 mA           24 VDC output provided to op-    Power
              14 gauge max.            Accepts any 4-20 mA       erate sample drawing adapters.
                                       transmitter (24 VDC, 2 or 3 wire).               n  85-264VAC or 24VDC
                                       A wide variety of RKI sensors    n  Display      Approvals
                                       are available with 4-20 mA      2 alphanumeric displays with
                                       signals. Wiring distances up to      backlighting. 16 characters per    n  CSA Certified to CSA C22.2
                                       8,000 feet.               line; 4 lines each. All 8 channels    No. 1010 and ANSI/ISA S82.01
                                                                 continuously displayed.

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   E•393
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