Page 392 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 392

Gas Detection Systems

                                              Two Channel Wall Mount Controller

            The Beacon 200
            The Beacon 200 is a powerful, low cost fixed system controller for
            two points of gas detection. It is microprocessor controlled, versatile,
            simple to install and operate, and priced to be the industry’s most
            economical two point controller. It is capable of connecting directly
            to RKI sensors for LEL level combustibles, Oxygen, and toxic gas
            sensors. The Beacon 200 can also accept any 4-20 mA transmitter
            (2 or 3 wire, 24 VDC). Sensors can be mounted directly at the
            Beacon 200 housing, or can be wired remotely from the controller.
            Two 10 amp rated relays per channel are strong enough to actuate
            most external alarms and horns without using slave relays. The digital
            display has backlighting and simultaneous readout of the gas type
            and concentration.
            The Beacon 200’s housing is rated NEMA 4X for corrosion resistance
            and a weather tight seal, and complies with lock out/tag out
            standards. An external reset switch allows the alarm to be silenced
            from outside of the controller housing. The Beacon 200 comes
            complete with a wall mounting kit for easy installation.
            RKI offers the industry’s widest selection of standard and toxic gas
            detection sensors, which can be utilized with the Beacon 200,
            providing gas monitoring protection for almost any application.

              Features                                           Applications
            n  Simultaneous readout on    n  Proven, long-life sensors for a     n  Petrochemical plants  n  Parking garages
              2 channels               wide variety of gases   n  Refineries            n  Manufacturing facilities  Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
            n  Two alarm levels per channel  n  Accepts any 4-20 mA    n  Water and wastewater treatment    n  Steel
            n  Discrete and common relays    transmitter input (24 VDC)    plants       n  Automotive
            n  Built in audible alarm  n  Easy to install, operate and       n  Pulp and paper mills  n  HVAC
            n  NEMA 4X enclosure       expand                  n  Gas, telephone, and electric
            n  4-20 mA outputs       n  CSA, C/US classified     utilities

            Physical                 Operating Environment     Inputs, continued        Outputs, continued
            n  Dimensions            n  Operating Temperature    n  Sampling Methods    n  Display
              Height: 10.5" (267 mm)     -4 °F to 122 °F (-10 °C to 50 °C)    Accepts diffusion or sample       Alphanumeric display with
              Width: 8.5" (216 mm)   n  Storage Temperature      draw heads               backlighting. 20 characters per
              Depth: 6.3" (158 mm)     -4 °F to 158 °F (-20 °C to 70 °C)                  line; 4 lines each
            n  Enclosure             n  Relative Humidity      Outputs                  n  Audible
              Wall mounting grey poly-     5 - 95% RH (non-condensing)    n  Relays       Built-in audible alarm, 94 dB,
              carbonate with hinged cover    80% max for CSA     7 relays – 10 amp rating (at      mounted on enclosure
            n  Conduit Connection    n  Enclosure Rating         115 VAC), SPDT isolated      Coded output:
                                                                 contacts. 2 relays for gas alarm
              3/4" NPT conduit hubs, 3       NEMA-4X enclosure,      levels per channel, plus 2 relays      pulsing = gas alarm,
              provided. 2 for sensor wiring       waterproof, chemical, and         for common gas alarm and 1       steady = fail
              and 1 for power and relay wiring    weather resistant    common relay for malfunction.    n  Visual
            n  Wiring Termination                                Relays fully programmable for:      4 LED’s on the front cover for
              Screw type terminal block,    Inputs               increasing or decreasing alarm,      alarm status indication, pilot,
              14 gauge max           n  Direct Wired Sensors     latching or self reset, normally       and malfunction
            n  Power                   LEL, Oxygen, and toxic gas       energized or normally de-   Approvals
              115 VAC or 24 VDC standard,      sensors. Remote amp required      energized, time delay for alarm    n  CSA Certified to CSA C22.2
              Optional 230 VAC. Battery         for greater than 500 feet    on and alarm off    No. 1010 and ANSI/ISA S82.01
              backup option available  n  4-20 mA Sensors      n  4-20 mA
                                       Accepts any 4-20 mA transmit-     Signal output, 4-20 mA    Warranty
            n  Controls
              4 internal push buttons for      ter (24 VDC, 2 or 3 wire). A wide      (into 1,000 ohms impedance    n  One year material and
              setup, programming, and      variety of RKI/Riken sensors are      maximum), per channel    workmanship
              calibration. 1 external push      available with 4-20 mA signals;    n  24 VDC
              button for alarm reset    (See list of detectable gases.)       24 VDC (350 mA max) output
                                       Wiring distances up to 5,000       provided to operate sample
                                       feet                      drawing adapters

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   E•391
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