Page 393 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 393
Gas Detection Systems
Four Channel Wall Mount Controller
The Beacon 410
The Beacon 410 is a highly configurable, remote logging of data via a Modbus
microprocessor-based, flexible and easy network is standard. A Min-Max feature
to use 4 channel gas monitor. It simul- retains high and low peak readings for
taneously displays the gas type, read- review at any time.
ings, and status for 4 channels of gas Field calibration is made simple by the
detection. It can monitor any combination easy to use Calibration Mode. A fully con-
of direct connect sensors (LEL combus- figurable high visibility strobe is available
tibles, Oxygen, Oxygen, CO 2 , and toxic as an option. The unit can be powered
gas sensors, and Carbon Dioxide) as well from 115/220 VAC, an external 24 VDC
as any 4-20mA transmitters. source, or a 24 VDC backup battery. A
Each channel has 3 fully configurable trickle charging battery backup feature is
alarm points. A built-in silenceable audible also available as an option.
alarm alerts you to alarm conditions. All features and functions of the Beacon
Each channel also has 2 dedicated fully 410 are controlled by easy to use menus
configurable relays and there is a bank on the backlit LCD display. The form-C
of common relays as well. The common (SPDT) relay contacts are rated at 10A,
relays can optionally be configured as 250V, reducing or eliminating the need for
additional channel relays allowing up to additional slave relays. All features of the
3 alarm relays per channel. Beacon 410 are built into the unit so you
Each channel provides a 4-20mA output never need to purchase or maintain any
signal. A digital Modbus interface for “add-on” cards or components.
Features Specifications
n Simultaneously monitor up to 4 channels Physical Inputs, continued
n Digital display of all 4 channels n Dimensions n 4-20 mA Sensors
n LEL/O 2 /CO 2 /toxic direct connect sensors Height: 12.5" (318 mm) Accepts any 4-20 mA transmitter (24 VDC,
Width: 11" (279 mm)
2 or 3 wire). A wide variety of RKI/Riken
n Accepts any 4-20 mA transmitter, Depth: 6.4" (136 mm) sensors are available with 4-20 mA signals.
2 or 3 wire n Enclosure Wiring distances up to 8,000 feet
n 3 programmable alarm levels per channel NEMA 4X non-metallic for indoor and n Sampling Methods
n Up to 3 configurable alarm relays per outdoor locations Diffusion and sample draw heads available
channel n Conduit Connection
n Zero follower automatically compensates 3/4" NPT conduit hubs, 4 provided, for Outputs
n Relays
sensor drift sensor, power, and relay wiring Two flexible, programmable Form-C (C, NO,
n 4-20 mA analog and Modbus digital output n Wiring Termination NC) relays per channel, plus five common
Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
Screw type terminal block, 14 gauge max
standard n Power relays (Fail, Alarm-1, Alarm-2, Alarm-3,
n 115/220 VAC or 24 VDC operation 115 VAC and 220 VAC, or 24 VDC nominal, Alarm-Any). Common relays may optionally
n Audible alarm with silence feature battery backup option available be assigned to function as additional channel
n Alarm reset switch n Controls alarm relays, providing for up to three alarm
relays per channel. 10A contact rating.
n Built in trouble alarm with relay Display PCB Control Switches: n 4-20 mA
n UP/YES push button switch
n Weather proof NEMA 4X enclosure n DOWN/NO push button switch Signal output, 4-20 mA (maximum load
n Optional strobe and battery backup available n ESCAPE push button switch impedance 500 ohms), per channel RS-485
n ENTER push button switch Modbus format RS-485 serial output of all
n External reset switch channel data, including gas reading and alarm
Applications n On/Off toggle switch status.
n Petrochemical plants Environmental n Display
4 x 20 backlit LCD display
n Refineries n Operating Temperature n Audible
n Water and wastewater treatment plants -4 °F to 122 °F (-20 °C to 50 °C) Built-in audible alarm, 94 dB, mounted on
n Pulp and paper mills n Storage Temperature enclosure. Coded output: pulsing = gas alarm,
-4 °F to 158 °F (-20 °C to 70 °C)
steady = fail
n Gas, telephone, and electric utilities n Relative Humidity n Visual
n Parking garages 0 - 95% RH (non-condensing) n Alarm LED’s (on Display PCB)
n Manufacturing facilities n Enclosure Rating Alarm 1 - yellow, Alarm 2 - orange,
n Steel NEMA-4X enclosure, chemical and weather Alarm 3 - red, Fail - yellow
n Automotive resistant n Green Pilot LED to indicate AC power
connected (on Display PCB)
n HVAC Inputs n An optional 24 VDC NEMA 4X strobe
n Direct Wired Sensors mounted to top of case.
LEL, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and toxic gas
sensors. Remote amp not required for less than Approvals
500 feet n CSA Certified to CSA C22.2 No. 1010 and
E•392 1-877-PRAXAIR