Page 400 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 400

Gas Detection Systems

                                              Gas Sensor/Transmitter

              S2 Model Specifications – Explosion Proof
                         LEL       LEL      H 2  PPM   O 2     H 2 S     CO        CO 2     CH 4      HC
                         General   H 2      Hydrogen   Oxygen   Hydrogen   Carbon   Carbon   Methane   Hydro-
                         Purpose   Specific                    Sulfide   Monoxide   Dioxide           carbons
              Type       Catalytic    Catalytic    Metal oxide   Galvanic cell   Electro-   Electro-   Infrared   Infrared   Infrared
                                            semi-              chemical   chemical
              Measuring   0-100% LEL   0-100% LEL   0-1000 ppm   0-25% vol.   0-100 ppm   0-300 ppm   0-5000 ppm   0-100% LEL   0-100%
              Range                (H 2  Specific)   0-2000 ppm                    0-5% vol.          LEL
                                                                                   0-50% vol.
                                                                                   0-100% vol.
              Lower      2% of     2% of    2% of     0.1% vol.    2% of   2% of   2% of    2% of     2% of
              Detectable   full scale   full scale   full scale      full scale   full scale   full scale   full scale   full scale
              Limit (LDL)
              Max Current   200 mA (power wires)      20 mA max,   20 mA max,   20 mA max,   60 mA (power wires)
              Draw (24VDC)    25 mA (signal wires) 3 wires      2 wires   2 wires   2 wires   25 mA (signal wires) 3 wires
              Response   30 Seconds   20 Seconds   45 Seconds   20 Seconds   45 Seconds   30 Seconds   30 Seconds   30 Seconds   30 Seconds
              Time (T-90)
              Accuracy   ± 5% of   ± 5% of   ± 10% of   ± 0.5% O 2    ± 5% of   ± 5% of   ± 5% of   ± 5% of   ± 5% of
              (whichever   reading or    reading or   reading or      reading   reading   reading or   reading or   reading or
              is greater)   ± 2% LEL   ± 2% LEL   ± 5% of       ± 2 ppm   ± 5 ppm   ± 2% of   ± 2% of   ± 2% of
                                            full scale         H 2 S     CO        full scale   full scale   full scale
              Life       2 to 3 years   3 to 5 years   5 years plus   2 to 3 years   2 to 3 years   2 to 3 years   5 years plus   5 years plus   5 years plus
              Expectancy   with normal   with normal   with normal   with normal   with normal   with normal   with normal   with normal   with normal
                         exposure to   service   service   service   service   service   service   service   service
              Operating Environment
              Location    Indoor or outdoor. Explosion proof for Class I, Div. 1, Groups B, C, and D.               Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
              Temperature    -40 °F to 167 °F   -40 °F to 167 °F   -40 °F to 167 °F   -4 °F to 113 °F   -40 °F to 104 °F   23 °F to 104 °F   -4 °F to 122 °F   -4 °F to 122 °F   -4 °F to 122 °F
                         -40 °C to 75 °C   -40 °C to 75 °C   -40 °C to 75 °C   -20 °C to 45 °C   -40 °C to 40 °C   -5 °C to 40 °C   -20 °C to 50 °C   -20 °C to 50 °C   -20 °C to 50 °C
              Humidity    0 - 99% RH, non condensing
              Housing J Box    Cast aluminum explosion proof, optional stainless steel J-box available
              Sensor     Stainless steel explosion proof
              Zero       Sets transmitter output to 4 mA with zero output from sensor
              Span       Sets transmitter output to proper level when span gas is applied
              Output     4 - 20 mA signal
              Operating   11 VDC to   11 VDC to   19 VDC to   19-30VDC (250 OHMS impedance max)   11 VDC to   11 VDC to   11 VDC to
              Voltage    30 VDC    30 VDC   30 VDC                                 30 VDC   30 VDC    30 VDC
              Approvals   UL       UL       UL        CSA NRTL   CSA NRTL   CSA NRTL   C UL US   C UL US   C UL US
                         C CSA US   C CSA US
              Controllers    Compatible with the following controllers: Beacon 110, Beacon 200, Beacon 410, and 800, also PLC and DCS systems
              Warranty    One year materials and workmanship

              Ordering Information
            Description                  Part Number            Description                  Part Number
            LEL General Purpose (UL approved)   PRS65-2405RK    CO Carbon Monoxide           PRS65-2336RK
            LEL General Purpose (C CSA US approved)   PRS65-2405RK-05   CO 2  Carbon Dioxide (0 - 5000 ppm)   PRS65-2396RK-02
            LEL H 2  Specific (UL approved)   PRS65-2451RK      CO 2  Carbon Dioxide (0 - 5.0% volume)   PRS65-2396RK-03
            LEL H 2  Specific (C CSA US approved)   PRS65-2451RK-05  CO 2  Carbon Dioxide (0 - 50% volume)   PRS65-2396RK-05
            H 2  PPM Hydrogen (0-1000 ppm)   PRS65-2442RK-1000  CO 2  Carbon Dioxide (0 - 100% volume)   PRS65-2396RK-10
            H 2  PPM Hydrogen (0-2000 ppm)   PRS65-2442RK-2000  CH 4  Methane                PRS65-2394RK-CH4
            O 2  Oxygen                  PRS65-2322RK           HC Hydrocarbons              PRS65-2394RK-HC
            H 2 S Hydrogen Sulfide       PRS65-2331RK

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