Page 304 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 304

Gas Delivery Systems

                                              Praxair’s Multi-Gas Point-of-Use Panels

            Praxair’s standard line of Multi-Gas Point-of-Use Panels allow
            from one to five gases to be effectively pressure-controlled to one
            or multiple instruments or use points in your laboratory. Praxair
            can custom design these panels to fit your application or space
            requirements, and can supply up to 60 points of use on single
            panels. Please contact your local Praxair representative if large
            systems are required.

              Features and Benefits – Catalog Standard Panels
            n  Up to five single stage, high-        n   Regulators mounted to the
              purity brass or stainless steel           surface of the panel, with
              regulators.               valves and gauges attached
            n  1/4 turn directional high-purity       directly to the regulators
              diaphragm valves for each       (Surface-Mounted
              regulator.                Regulators).
            n  Two piping configurations –    n  Vertically-mounted panels can
                                       be supplied with the outlet
              multiple gases inlets and outlets,      connections exiting the right
              or a single gas inlet with up to       side or the bottom of the panel,
              five outlets.            or designed to fit you’re
            n  Horizontal or vertical mounting      application.
              require a minimal laboratory     n  316 stainless steel tubing,
              space.                   cleaned to gas chromatograph
            n  Horizontally-mounted panels      grade.
              can be supplied in two    n  Fully welded, brushed stainless    Vertical Mounted   Vertical Surface
              variations:              steel panel.              Sections               Mounted Sections
              n   Regulators, valves and tubing    n  Rated to 3000 psi working
               mounted behind the panel          pressure
               surface (Bonnet-Mounted    n  Added safety
               Regulators).                                                                                         Section E – Gas Handling Equipment

            n  Panels                n  Valves
              Fully welded brushed      Brass or stainless steel, 1/4 turn,
              stainless steel          high purity diaphragm valves
            n  Mounting Rails        n  Tube Fittings
              Stainless steel, with thumb    Brass or stainless steel,
              screws for easy mounting    compression fittings and NPT
            n  Regulators            n  Tubing
              High purity brass or      316L stainless steel and copper
              stainless steel, 3000 Series       cleaned to gas chromatograph    Horizontal Mounted Sections
              regulators               grade and oxygen service

              Ordering Information –
              Series PRS5MPABCDEFG (Bonnet-Mounted Regulators) and Series PRS5MSABCDEFG (Surface-Mounted Regulators)

              A            B          C                    D               E            F            G
            Material    Pressure    Number of Regulators   Type         Inlet        Outlet       Orientation
            B: Brass    1:  15 psi   1:  1 Regulator    1:  Individual Inlets   0:  1/4" tube   0:  1/4" tube   0:  Horizontal
            S: Stainless   2:  50 psi   2:  2 Regulators   2:  Combined Inlets   1:  1/8" tube   1:  1/8" tube   1:  Vertical
                        3:  100 psi   3:  3 Regulators                  2:  1/4" FPT   2:  1/4" FPT
                        4:  250 psi   4:  4 Regulators
                        5:  500 psi   5:  5 Regulators
                        7:  150 psi

            i   For larger non-standard configurations, please
                contact your local Praxair representative.

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