Page 301 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 301

Gas Delivery Systems

            Praxair’s VersiGas  Lab System

            The VersiGas  Lab Systems have
            been designed to provide point of
            use control in the laboratory, they
            are meant as a secondary pressure
            reduction from changeover systems.
            They offer today’s laboratories great
            flexibility when designing gas delivery
            systems aimed at meeting specific
            point of use gas concerns. As new
            instruments are added to meet in-
            creasing demands for the laboratory,
            gas piping systems can grow into a
            tangle of tubing, line regulators and
            traps, making it difficult to carry on
            preventative maintenance. VersiGas
            Lab Systems eliminate this concern
            and makes it much easier to install gas
            handling equipment in the laboratory.

                                             Typical layout for 5 points of use with purification bypass system and audio/visual
                                             alarms from the gas room. System components maybe purchased separately
                                             please see page E •302 for more details.

              Convenience –                                     Quality –
              VersiGas Lab Systems are shipped in convenient sections,   The VersiGas Lab System is designed, cleaned and
              easily added or removed, to accommodate your specific   built to ensure high quality standards.
              application, and are rated with an inlet pressure of 3000
              psig, this provides added safety at the point of use.

            n  Shipped assembled and tested,    n  Sections connected to rails     n  Flexible design to meet   n  All tubing ends are “faced”
              minimizing installation time and      via brass thumbscrews,     specific gas needs    to ensure full flow and to
              cost                     no tools required       n  Engineered to ensure gas     prevent contaminant
            n  Ease of use helps increase   n  Ideal for future expansion,     purity and leak integrity    entrapment zones
     Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
              lab productivity         blank sections and custom   n  Constructed with the highest
            n  Customizable            length rails available    quality material available
            n  Versatile             n  Annunciator section supplied     n  Each section is assembled
                                       in 3 pieces so the unit can be
            n  Modular                 removed without disturbing       and leak tested before
                                                                shipment, minimizing
            n  Rail mounting system easily       wiring conduits    installation time and cost
              adapted to any environment
              Safety –                                          Appearance –
              Gas tubing from centralized gas handling rooms may    The VersiGas Lab System is packaged in a neat
              be directly connected to the VersiGas Lab System    and attractive manner creating a uniform appearance
              panels, eliminating the need to locate cylinders within    throughout the laboratory.
              the laboratory.

            n  Cylinders placed in safe   n  Consolidates cylinder   n  Aesthetically pleasing  n  All panels are fully formed
              storage areas            inventories             n  All panels are constructed of       and seam welded, no
            n  Helps to create a safer   n  Helps you meet Local and     brushed stainless steel    mounting brackets, which
              working environment      National Fire Codes (NFPA)  n  No paint chipping or staining       can break off
            n  Reduces cylinder handling                        to worry about

            i   Please contact your local Praxair representative to assist you with design requirements.
                Praxair can design panels and systems to fit most any need.

           E•300                              1-877-PRAXAIR           
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