Page 300 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 300

Gas Delivery Systems

                                              Control Panels

            Typical Applications
            Used on corrosive and high purity gases for ultimate safety in
            cylinder changeouts. Panels can be located in gas cabinets,
            please see page E •305 for further details.

              Features and Benefits
            n  Brushed Stainless Steel   n  Mountable to Any Suitable
              Panel                    Surface
                                       Easy installation
            n  Wall Mounted to Protect the
              Regulator              n  Metal-to-Metal Diaphragm
            n  Labeled for Gas Service    Seal
              Durability and gas service      Reduces possibility of internal   Regulator Control Panel  Three Valve Control Panel
              differentiation          gas contamination
            n  4000 & 3000 Series    n  Low Wetted Surface Area
              Regulators CGA Connection     Minimal purge requirements
              No integral contamination during   n  Cv Regulator
              cylinder changeout       0.1
            n  Purge Capability of the    n  316L Stainless Steel
              3- and 5-Valve Regulator      Diaphragm
              Stations                 No inboard diffusion
              Helps maintain gas purity and
              prevents contact with flammable
              or toxic gases

            n  Maximum Inlet Pressure  n  Ports
              3000 psig (210 bar)      1/4" FPT
            n  Temperature Range     n  Helium Leak Integrity      Five Valve Control Panel
              -40 °F to 140 °F         1 x 10  scc/sec                                                              Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
              (-40 °C to 60 °C)
            n  Regulator             n  Pigtail Innercore      n  Valves                n  Tubing
              High purity brass or 316L      316 stainless steel, Monel when      Brass or stainless steel, high       316/316L stainless steel or
              stainless steel barstock      used with oxygen    purity diaphragm valves     copper
              4000 series regulators
                                     n  Pigtail Braid          n  Fittings              n  Check Valves
            n  Diaphragms              304 stainless steel (2 layers)    Compression or NPT, brass or      Brass or stainless steel
              316L stainless steel                              stainless steel
                                     n  Pigtail Armor Casing                            n  Check Valve O-Ring
            n  Seats                   304 stainless steel                                Viton ®
              PTFE Teflon ®
              Ordering Information – Series PRS5RSABCDEF (Regulator Control Panel)

              A            B                   C                    D       E         F
            Material    Pressure             Number of Stages    Pigtail   CGA      Outlet**
            B: Brass    1:  15 psi   5:  500 psi   1:  1 Stage (no purge)   1:  36"   Specify   0:  1/4" Tube
            S: Stainless   2:  50 psi   7:  150 psi   2:  2 Stage (no purge)   2:  72"  1:  1/8" Tube
                        3:  100 psi          8:  1 Stage (w/purge)*                 2:  1/4" FPT
                        4:  250 psi          9:  2 Stage (w/purge)*                 3:  1/4" MPT
            *  With purge means block and purge valves
            **  Multi turn diaphragm valve standard

              Ordering Information – Series PRS5MVABCDEF (MultiValve Control Panel)

              A            B                   C                    D       E         F
            Material    Pressure             Number of Valves    Pigtail   CGA      Outlet**
            B:  Brass   1:  15 psi   4:  250 psi   3:  3 Valves   1:  36"   Specify   1:  One stage
            S:  Stainless   2:  50 psi   5:  500 psi   5:  5 Valves   2:  72"       2:  Two stage
                        3:  100 psi   7:  150 psi

            i   For modifications or custom configurations, please contact
                your Praxair representative or call 1-877-PRAXAIR.

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   E•299
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