Page 302 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 302

Gas Delivery Systems

                                              Praxair’s VersiGas  Lab System

                              3                4                                       6


            1  Air Compressor         3  5026/5027 Series Switchover   5  5022/5023 Series Switchover    6  Gas Point of Use Panels
                                        (page E •285)             (page E •284)            (pages E •302 and E •303)
            2  Membrane N 2           4  Protocol Station
               (page E •331)            (pages E •282)

              Applications                                       Features and Benefits
            Designed to act as a secondary point of use control from the gas    n  All-in-one Pressure Control,    n  Rail Mounting System
            room for point of use pressure control of high purity gas delivery      Purification and on/off Valve    Allows panel to be mounted
            applications including:                             Convenient, high purity     to the wall, to a bench or to
                                                                gas delivery system       vertical rails hung from the
            n  Gas and liquid chromatography  n  Pharmaceutical manufacturing             ceiling
                                                               n  In Laboratory Point of                            Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
            n  Ultra high purity carrier gases  n  High purity chamber     Use Control  n  Pressure Tested Individual
            n  Zero, span, fuel, and     pressurization         Cylinders located safely in     Sections
              calibration gases      n  Gas supply for analyzer     dedicated gas handling areas    Provides flexibility when
            n  Cryogenic gases (vapor phase)    valve actuation.  n  Completely Assembled    locating point-of-use panels
                                                                Quick and easy installation    in the laboratory

              Specifications                                     Materials
            n  Sections Dimensions   n  Delivery Pressure Range   n  Panels             n  Fittings
              All sections are 18" (45.7 cm)       and Gauge Scale    Brushed stainless steel panels,      Compressor or NPT, brass or
              high, and the panel face to     0-15 psig; 0-30 psig;     and stainless steel mounting       stainless steel
              wall dimension, when mounted,     0-60 psig; 0-100 psig,     rails        n  Tubing
              is 6" (15.2 cm) deep. Section        0-160 psig; 0-200 psig  n  Regulators      316/316L stainless steel for
              width dependent on the   n  Gas Specific Purifiers     High purity series 3000 or 4000      all applications (SS ferrules
              section type:            Helium (inert gases, argon);       brass or stainless steel barstock      used with brass fittings)
              n  Regulator Section and     hydrogen; nitrogen; air     bodies, with stainless steel      n  All tubing ends are “faced”
               Annunciator Section,     maximum flow, 500 ml/min    diaphragms             (as would be done for “orbital
               5" W (12.7 cm)                                                               welding”) to ensure full flow,
              n  Valve Section, 6.7" W (17 cm)  n  Indicating Glass Moisture     n  Valves       and to prevent contamination
              n  Regulator Section with     Traps               Brass or stainless steel, high        entrapment zones
                Purifiers in Series or Parallel,      250 cc    purity 1/4 turn directional       n  Cleaned to gas
               15" W (38.1 cm)       n  Non-Indicating Traps    diaphragm valves (Ball valves       chromatograph grade and
              n  Regulator Section with One      Moisture;      are not used because of stem        oxygen service
                Purifier, 10" W (25.4 cm)    hydrocarbon; oxygen    seal leakage, and large internal
              n  Purifier Section with Purifiers      maximum flow, 500 ml/min    areas where impurities can be
               in Series, 10" W (25.4 cm)  n  Indicating Oxygen Trap      trapped)
              n  Purifier Section with Purifiers     Can be used to show gas
               in Parallel, 15" W (38.1 cm)    specific purifier break through
              n  Blank sections, as required       when tubed in series
               for any of the above

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   E•301
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