Page 72 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 72

PH          3

            Transportation                                                      (M)SDS Reference
            Information                                                         P-4643
            UN Number: 2199                                                     CAS Number
                                  United States of America  Canada  Mexico
            Shipping Name        Phosphine      Phosphine     Phosphine         7803 - 51 - 2
            Hazard Class         2.3 (2.1)      2.3 (2.1)     2.3               General Description
            Label                Toxic Gas,     Toxic Gas,    Toxic Gas,        Colorless, highly toxic, flammable gas
                                 Flammable Gas   Flammable Gas   Flammable Gas   with a disagreeable, garlic-like odor.

              Product/Grade  Purity    Part       Cylinder  H 2 O  N 2  O 2  +    C2 -     CO 2  CO  CH 4  AsH 3
                                       Number                           Ar    C5
              Semiconductor,  99.9999%  PH 6.0SP  K         0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1    0.1   0.1   0.1    0.1
              Semiconductor,  99.9997%  PH 5.7SP  K,        1     1     0.5   0.1    0.1   0.1   0.1    0.1
              5.7                                 UpTime ®
              Concentrations given are ppm by volume unless otherwise specified.
              Maximum ppm unless otherwise noted.
              Note: Phosphine is available in mixtures with balance gases of Argon, Helium, Hydrogen and Nitrogen.
              Please contact your Praxair representative to discuss your mixture requirements.
                 Defined as Ethane (C 2 H 6 ), Propane (C 3 H 8 ) , Butane (C 4 H 10 ) and Pentane (C 5 H 12 ).


              Cylinder   Style           Size               Connection   Pressure    Volume    Gross Weight         Section B – Pure Gases
              Type                       in (cm)            CGA/DISS    psig (bar)   lb (kg)   lb (kg)
              K         High Pressure Steel   51 x 9 (129.5 x 22.9)   350/632   593 (41)   27 (12.25)   160 (73)
              UpTime    Sub-Atmospheric   See page D •146 for all sub-atmospheric ion implant packaging.

              Equipment Recommendations


                                                                                See Section D for additional information
                                                                                on Praxair’s Semiconductor product
                                                                                line (pages D•143 - D•148).
                                                                                See our complete line of gas delivery
                                                                                systems in Section E, including gas
                                                                                cabinets, process panels, and
                                                                                controllers (pages E•304 - E•309).
            UltraPurge  400 Gas Cabinet Series
            (see page E •306)

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   B•71
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