Page 382 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 382
Pipe Fittings
Pipe fittings are typically used to join components together The measurements specified in the Tables below conform to
in a gas handling system – such as attaching a flowmeter to National Pipe Thread (NPT) designations, and may be either
a regulator, or installing a relief valve. They are also used in female (internal) type connections, or male (external) type
systems which have been constructed using rigid pipe, as connections – abbreviated as NPT(F) or NPT(M) accordingly.
opposed to tubing. All pipe fittings shown have a maximum operating pressure
of at least 3000 psig.
Part Number Description/Pipe Fittings Part Number Description/Pipe Fittings
Brass Type 316 SS Brass Type 316 SS
Male Elbow – For joining female Male Hex Nipple – For joining
pipe threads at a right angle female pipe threads
PRS0202-5172 PRS0202-5173 1⁄4" NPT(M) x PRS0202-5186 PRS0202-5187 1⁄8" NPT(M) x
1⁄4" NPT(M) 1⁄8" NPT(M)
PRS0202-5104 – 3⁄8" NPT(M) x PRS0202-5092 PRS0202-5091 1⁄4" NPT(M) x
3⁄8" NPT(M) 1⁄4" NPT(M)
Female Elbow – For joining male Reducing Adapter – Used to
pipe threads at a right angle reduce the size of male pipe thread
PRS0202-5112 PRS0202-5114 1⁄8" NPT(F) x PRS0202-5350 PRS0202-5351 1⁄4" NPT(F) x
1⁄8" NPT(F) 1⁄8" NPT(M)
PRS0202-5113 PRS0202-5115 1⁄4" NPT(F) x
1⁄4" NPT(F) Male Hex Reducing Nipple –
For joining female pipe threads
Street Elbow – For joining female of different dimensions
to male pipe threads at a right angle PRS0202-5185 PRS0202-5108 1⁄4" NPT(M) x
PRS0202-5095 PRS0202-5127 1⁄8" NPT(M) x 1⁄8" NPT(M)
1⁄8" NPT(F) PRS0202-5094 – 1⁄2" NPT(M) x
PRS0202-5096 PRS0202-5122 1⁄4" NPT(M) x 1⁄4" NPT(M)
1⁄4" NPT(F)
Male Hex Long Nipple – For joining female Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
Female Tee – To make a 3-way pipe threads at extended dimensions
connection of male pipe threads – PRS0202-5184 1⁄8" NPT(M) x
PRS0202-4987 PRS0202-4299 1⁄4" NPT(F) x 1⁄8" NPT(M)
1⁄4" NPT(F) x (3" Length)
1⁄4" NPT(F) PRS202-5105 PRS0202-5107 1⁄4" NPT(M) x
1⁄4" NPT(M)
Male Branch Tee – To make a (3" Length)
3-way connection of male by male PRS0202-5106 – 1⁄4" NPT(M) x
by female pipe threads 1/8" NPT(M)
PRS0202-4984 PRS0202-5116 1⁄4" NPT(F) x (3-1⁄2" Length)
1⁄4" NPT(F) x
1⁄4" NPT(M) Female Hex Coupling – To join male
pipe threads
Street Tee – To make a 3-way PRS0202-5182 PRS0202-5183 1⁄8" NPT(F) x
connection of male by female by 1⁄8" NPT(F)
male pipe threads PRS0202-5120 PRS0202-5121 1⁄4" NPT(F) x
PRS0202-5098 – 1⁄8" NPT(F) x 1⁄4" NPT(F)
1⁄8" NPT(M) x PRS0202-5103 – 3⁄8" NPT(F) x
1⁄8" NPT(F) 1⁄4" NPT(F)
PRS0202-5117 PRS0202-5118 1⁄4" NPT(F) x
1⁄4" NPT(M) x Reducing Bushing – Used to
1⁄4" NPT(F) reduce the size of female pipe thread
PRS0202-5181 PRS0202-5102 1⁄4" NPT(M) x
Pipe Cross – To make a 4-way 1⁄8" NPT(F)
connection of male pipe threads PRS0202-5097 PRS0202-5133 1⁄2" NPT(M) x
PRS0202-5188 PRS0202-5190 1⁄8" NPT(F) 1⁄4" NPT(F)
PRS0202-5189 PRS0202-5099 1⁄4" NPT(F)
Pipe Plug (Hollow Hex) – To plug a
female pipe thread
PRS0202-3140 PRS0202-3147 1⁄8" NPT(M)
PRS0202-3143 PRS0202-3023 1⁄4" NPT(M)
1-877-PRAXAIR E•381