Page 381 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 381
Compression Type Tube Fittings
Compression type tube fittings are the most commonly Where compression fitting size is indicated in Ordering
used in gas handling systems. Suitable for high vacuum and Information, it designates the outside diameter of the
high pressure applications, they require no special tools, tubing it will accept. For example, 1/8" compression
soldering or welding for installation, and can be remade re- will accept 1/8" OD tubing.
peatedly. Used on thin or heavy walled tubing, these fittings
are available in both brass or Type 316 Stainless Steel.
Part Numbers Description/Tube Fitting Part Numbers Description/Tube Fitting
Brass Type 316 SS Brass Type 316 SS
Male Connector – For connecting Union – For joining tubing
female pipe threads to tubing PRSSG6780 PRSSG6790 1⁄16" compression
PRSSG6705 PRSSG6715 1⁄16" NPT(M) x (both ends)
1⁄8" compression PRSSG6781 PRSSG6791 1⁄8" compression
PRSSG6700 PRSSG6710 1⁄8" NPT(M) x (both ends)
1⁄16" compression PRSSG6782 PRSSG6792 1⁄4" compression
PRSSG6701 PRSSG6711 1⁄8" NPT(M) x (both ends)
1⁄8" compression
PRSSG6702 PRSSG6712 1⁄8" NPT(M) x Reducing Union – For joining tubing
1⁄4" compression of different sizes
PRSSG6703 PRSSG6713 1⁄4" NPT(M) x PRSSG6840 PRSSG6850 1⁄8" compression x
1⁄8" compression 1⁄16" compression
PRSSG6704 PRSSG6714 1/4" NPT(M) x PRSSG6841 PRSSG6851 1⁄4" compression x
1⁄4" compression 1⁄8" compression
Female Connector – For connecting Bulkhead Union – For connecting
male pipe threads to tubing tubing through a panel or bulkhead
PRSSG6721 PRSSG6731 1⁄8" NPT(F) x PRSSG6801 PRSSG6811 1⁄8" compression
1⁄8" compression (both ends)
PRSSG6722 PRSSG6732 1⁄8" NPT(F) x PRSSG6802 PRSSG6812 1⁄4" compression
1⁄4" compression (both ends)
PRSSG6723 PRSSG6733 1⁄4" NPT(F) x
1⁄8" compression Union Tee – For joining tubing in
PRSSG6724 PRSSG6734 1⁄4" NPT(F) x “T” configurations
1⁄4" compression PRSSG6820 PRSSG6830 1⁄8" compression
(all ends)
Male Elbow – For connecting female PRSSG6821 PRSSG6831 1⁄4" compression
pipe threads to tubing at right angles (all ends)
PRSSG6740 PRSSG6750 1⁄8" NPT(M) x
1⁄16" compression Reducer – For reducing the size of
PRSSG6741 PRSSG6751 1⁄8" NPT(M) x a compression fitting
Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
1⁄8" compression PRS0202-3027 – 1⁄4" O.D. Tube x
PRSSG6742 PRSSG6752 1⁄8" NPT(M) x 1⁄8" compression
1⁄4" compression
PRSSG6743 PRSSG6753 1⁄4" NPT(M) x Tube End Male Adapter – For converting
1⁄8" compression female pipe threads to tubing
PRSSG6744 PRSSG6754 1⁄4" NPT(M) x – PRSSG6871 1⁄8" NPT(M) x
1⁄4" compression 1⁄4" O.D. Tube
– PRSSG6870 1⁄4" NPT(M) x
Female Elbow – For connecting male 1⁄4" O.D. Tube
pipe threads to tubing at right angles
PRSSG6761 PRSSG6771 1⁄8" NPT(F) x Compression Nut and Ferrule
1⁄8" compression PRSSG6940 PRSSG6950 1⁄16" compression
PRSSG6762 PRSSG6772 1⁄8" NPT(F) x PRSSG6941 PRSSG6951 1⁄8" compression
1⁄4" compression PRSSG6942 PRSSG6952 1⁄4" compression
PRSSG6764 PRSSG6773 1⁄4" NPT(F) x
1⁄8" compression
PRSSG6765 PRSSG6774 1⁄4" NPT(F) x
1⁄4" compression
E•380 1-877-PRAXAIR