Page 377 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 377
Emergency Shutdown Systems
Emergency Shutdown Systems (ESS)
At Praxair, a commitment to safety is a critical consideration
in all of our activities. Helping maintain a level of safety for our
employees and our customers is one of our top priorities. To
help our customers achieve this goal, we have developed
a series of emergency shutdown system controllers. These
systems can be used in a wide variety of applications and are
tailored to fit most applications.
A typical shutdown system can include any of the components
and configurations shown below. We also can custom engineer
a system to meet your requirements.
The most common uses of these types of systems include
Toxic, Flammable and Corrosive Gas and Liquid Services,
where the unintentional release of gas or liquid could result in
personnel injury or equipment damage.
To find out more about Emergency Shutdown Systems or to Pneumatic Shut Down Controller
have one engineered to fit your specific needs, please contact Use discrete pressure set points to shut down a pneumatic
your Praxair representative or call 1-877-PRAXAIR. process valve or close the entire system with ESO push button.
Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
Emergency Gas Shutdown System Facilities Requirements
Close individual or all pneumatic process valves with gas n 100/115/220V ~ ± 10%, 50/60Hz, 0.2/A0.2/0.1 24 V ± 10%,
0.5A VDC
detection control signal, or with master ESO button. Used n Main supply voltage fluctuations not exceeding ± 10% of nominal
with highly toxic, flammable, or where oxygen displacement n DC supply voltage fluctuations not exceeding ± 10% of nominal
monitoring is required. System can be expanded to control up Pilot Air Nitrogen
to eight control valves. Requires use of a Praxair approved gas n Required 80-90 psig to supply ESO/Alarm Shut Down Controller.
detection system and controller. 1/4" OD poly tubing to connect ES controller pneumatic signals to
process valves (normally closed/fail safe valves required)
E•376 1-877-PRAXAIR