Page 384 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 384
High Purity Flexible Hoses
High Pressure Flexible Hoses
316 SS high pressure flexible metal hoses are designed for
strong, safe and flexible operation in demanding specialty gas
environments. Zero permeation characteristics do not allow
gas or atmosphere to pass through its wall in either pressure 1/4" Style S (shown with SS Male NPT
or vacuum applications. Ideal for flammable, toxic, high purity and Armor Casing)
and small molecule gases. 316L SS 316L SS corrugated inner core.
n SS core, double SS braid. Style S - 3,850 psi TIG weld Very close pitch for extreme flexibility,
argon purge
high flow, and longer hose life.
n SS core, double SS braid. Style H - 4,800 psi ~20 convolutions/inch, 2x the
industry standard
Monel Inner, Stainless Steel Braid
Monel high pressure flexible metal hoses with SS braid are
ideal for oxygen service where particle impingement failure is a
concern. The SS braid is more economical and allows higher
working pressures than Monel braid.
n Monel core, double SS braid. Style M – 4,200 psi 316L SS One piece 304 SS Double layer of
end fitting
304 SS braid –
weld and casing crimp
n Available with Monel or SS fittings. ferrule for superior 3850 psi working
connection to armor pressure
Armor Casing casing. Reduces stress
For hoses that are constantly handled and flexed, armor at weld joint.
casing protects against kinking, braid abrasion or stress at
the end fittings. The smooth surface also provides additional 1/4" Style M (shown with Monel Female NPT
handling protection for operators, plus the capability to and SS Armor Casing)
support a 600 lb load under tension. Armor casing is Monel Smooth transition Monel 400-series inner core and
protected under a special 3 year limited warranty. TIG weld from hose to double braid ~20 convolutions/
argon purge fitting inch, for extreme flexibility and up Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
to twice the hose life. 3000 psi
Specifications working pressure.
Hose Style S H M
Size I.D. (in) 0.285 0.285 0.285
Size O.D. w/o Armor (in) 0.445 0.445 0.445
Size O.D. w/ Armor (in) 0.725 0.725 0.725
Inner Core Wall Thickness 0.010 0.010 0.010
MAWP (psig) 3,850 4,800 4,200 Monel end One piece extra long 304 SS
Minimum Burst Pressure (psig) 15,400 19,200 16,800 fitting for superior weld and casing collar interlocked armor
casing fully
eliminates stress at
Minimum Bend Radius w/o Armor (in) 2.5 2.5 2.5 resistance end fitting protects hose
Minimum Bend Radius w/ Armor (in) 2.7 2.7 2.7
Weight Per Foot w/o Armor (lb) 0.29 0.29 0.33
Weight Per Foot w/ Armor (lb) 0.49 0.49 0.53
Temperature Range ( F) Cryo to Cryo to Cryo to
1,500 1,500 1,500
Conductive (Yes/No) Yes Yes Yes
Ordering Information
Stock Code Description Type Working Burst
PRSS33S000-24 1/4" X 24" SS Pigtail Double Braid No Guard 3000 16,400
PRSS33S000-36 1/4" X 36" SS Pigtail Double Braid No Guard 3000 16,400
PRSS33S000-72 1/4" X 72" SS Pigtail Double Braid No Guard 3000 16,400
PRSS33MA00-36 1/4" X 36" Monel PT W/SS GRD Double Braid Full Guard Monel 3000 16,400
PRSS33SA00-24 1/4" X 24" SS PT W/SS Guard Double Braid Full Guard 3000 16,400
PRSS33SA00-36 1/4" X 36" SS PT W/SS Guard Double Braid Full Guard 3000 16,400
PRSS33SA00-48 1/4" X 48" SS PT W/SS Guard Double Braid Full Guard 3000 16,400
PRSS33SA00-72 1/4" X 72" SS PT W/SS Guard Double Braid Full Guard 3000 16,400
PRSS33SA00HP-36 1/4" X 36" Pigtail W/SS CGA Check Valve Double Braid Full Guard 5300 21,200
PRS5290029-CGA 1/4" X 36" Pigtail W/SS CGA Check Valve
PRS5290031-CGA 1/4" X 36" Pigtail W/Brass CGA Check Valve
1-877-PRAXAIR E•383