Page 343 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 343
Cryogenic Products
Cryogenic Storage Freezers
MVE Variō Series Freezers
MVE Variō Series freezers maintain a
user-selected temperature between
-20 °C and -150 °C. The Variō Pro
controller regulates the flow of liquid
nitrogen through a cryogenic heat
exchanger within the freezer to achieve
the desired operating temperature
throughout the interior sample space
(+ / - 5 °C). The nitrogen vapor also
purges frost and moisture to keep the
sample space dry.
The Variō freezers offer a superior
alternative to conventional compressor-
based ultra-low temperature freezers
operating near -80 °C. Since the Variō
freezers utilize the vaporization of liquid
nitrogen for refrigeration, their power
consumption is very low, typically less MVE Variō 1536P MVE Variō 1539R
than 1% compared to leading com- Maximum Storage Capacity 36400 39000
1.2 & 2 ml Vials, (Internally Threaded)
pressor-based freezers. Number of Racks, 100 cell boxes 24 26
In addition, Variō freezers provide Number of Racks, 25 cell boxes 16 16
improved sample security by avoiding Number of Stages per Rack 13 13
issues related to mechanical break- Performance
down of compressors and by enclosing Temperature Range -20 °C to 150 °C -20 °C to 150 °C
the samples in a highly insulated envi- LN Usage at -80 °C, liters/day 9 9
ronment that holds the samples below Power consumption, (cont.) W 8 8
their critical temperature for days if the Unit Dimensions
liquid nitrogen supply is depleted. Variō Neck Opening, inch (mm) 17.5 (445) 17.5 (445)
freezers can also be operated at much Usable Internal Height, inch (mm) 28.8 (732) 28.8 (732)
colder temperatures than compressor- Inner Diameter, inch (mm) 38.5 (978) 38.5 (978)
based systems to provide additional Overall Height, inch (mm) 61.3 (1556) 61.3 (1556)
assurance for sample preservation. Door Width Requirement*, inch (mm) 42.0 (1067) 42.0 (1067)
Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
Variō freezers are available in select Weight Empty, lb (kg) 690 (313) 690 (313)
geographies. Please ask your Praxair * Minimum width required for vessel to pass through opening. Footprint may vary.
representative for more information.
MVE Variō 1536P MVE Variō 1539R
Blood Bag Capacities
Total Bags/ No. of Total Bags/ No. of
Bags Frame Frames Bags Frame Frames
791 OS/U (25 ml) 3080 7 440 2786 7 398
Compact (25 ml) 4338 9 482 3924 9 436
4R9951 (50 ml) 1488 6 248 1446 6 241
4R9953 (250 ml) 812 4 203 768 4 192
4R9955 (500 ml) 608 4 152 576 4 144
DF200 (200 ml) 496 4 154 488 4 122
DF700 (700 ml) 256 4 64 204 4 66
Two Year Standard Warranty • Five Year Vacuum Warranty
E•342 1-877-PRAXAIR