Page 342 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 342
Cryogenic Products
Cryopreservation Systems
Praxair has teamed with Chart MVE, A turn-key system from Praxair Warranties that Surpass Industry
the world’s leading manufacturer of and Chart further provides a robust, Standards
vacuum insulated products and cryo- efficient, and user-friendly means of n Two (2) year warranty on all
genic systems. Together we offer the delivering liquid nitrogen to the freezer. equipment (parts and labor).
broadest range of liquid nitrogen supply Chart-MVE products meet worldwide n Three (3) year vacuum warranty on
modes and storage solutions for cryo- standards of excellence such as CE, CryoSystem Series freezers and
preservation of biological products. MDD, UL, IATA, TGA, and ISO 9001. Vapor Shippers.
Ask about our “turn-key” liquid nitrogen Factory tested to ensure reliability in
supply systems that can provide your the field, Chart-MVE vessels are n Five (5) year vacuum warranty on all
freezers with the most economical use backed by one of the strongest and stainless steel freezers, aluminum
of liquid nitrogen and the best return on longest warranties in the industry. SC and XC Series freezers, and
your cryobiological storage investment. aluminum Lab Series dewars.
More than fifty years ago, Chart-MVE
defined the standard for storage of bio-
logical materials at low temperatures.
Today, Chart-MVE continues to exceed
these standards. Industries from
around the world look to Chart-MVE
for excellence and innovation. Their
solutions empower industries to better
utilize cryogenic technology. Every
Chart-MVE freezer is designed for
optimum vacuum performance for the
duration of its use. Chart-MVE freezers
are engineered to hold and maintain Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
specific temperatures, whether
samples are in liquid or vapor.
By choosing a Chart-MVE cryogenic
freezer, you are providing your samples
a secure environment, free of the com-
pressor breakdowns, noise, and heat
associated with mechanical refrigera-
tion systems.
Cutaway Section of Vacuum-Jacketed Piping
Outer Jacket Pipe End Closure
Please contact your nearest
Praxair location to inquire about Support Internal Bellows Gas Trap Super Insulation
turn-key vacuum-jacketed pipe
Shrink Fit Nose
Male Bayonet
Shrink Fit Nose
1-877-PRAXAIR E•341