Page 338 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 338


                                              High and Low Pressure Purifiers

            The SG6140 purifier is designed to remove water and/or oil from gas or liquid streams. It protects
            sensitive instruments, prolongs service life and provides more accurate, reproducible test results.
            This purifier may be used with non-corrosive gases compatible with brass and Viton  at pressures up
            to 3000 psig. Three different purifying elements are available (see Ordering Information and Optional
            Equipment). These elements can be replaced without removing the purifier from the process line.

            n  Maximum Operating     n  Dew Point Obtainable   n  Dimensions
              Pressure                 4A/13X Molecular Sieve:      5-11/16" H x 2" D
              2000 psig 500 for O 2    -100  F (-75°C)         n  Mounting Holes (2)
            n  Pressure Drop         n  Inlet & Outlet Connections     1/4" 20UNC x 3/8" deep
              1.0 psi at 56 slpm Air, 2.4 psi      1/4" FPT    n  Approximate Weight: 2 lb  SG6140 Purifier    Element
              at 85 slpm Air
            n  Purifier              n  Purifier Element       n  Purifier Element      n  Purifier Element
              Body and Cap: Aluminum/Brass    Housing: Electrolytic Tin-Plated      Retainer: Polyester Felt Backed     Desiccant: 4A, 13X or
              O-Ring Seal: Bonan       Cold-Rolled Steel         Type 316 SS Screen       Activated Charcoal as ordered
             Ordering Information                                                 Optional Equipment
            Part       Element           Used for             Water Capacity at Flow   Part    Replacement Elements
            Number     Type*             Removing             Rate of 2 scfm at 80  F   Number   and O-Ring
            PRSSG6140   None             N/A                  N/A               PRSSG6141    Type 13X Molecular Sieve
            PRSSG6140-1   Type 13X Molecular Sieve   Oil and Water   6.5 grams   PRSSG6142   Type 4A Molecular Sieve
            PRSSG6140-2   Type 4A Molecular Sieve   Water     7.2 grams         PRSSG6143    Activated Charcoal
            PRSSG6140-3   Activated Charcoal   Oil and Heavy Hydrocarbons**   N/A   PRS0202-3268   Replacement Viton  O-Ring
            *  Elements are shipped in individually packed, hermetically sealed cans to prevent deterioration.
             They must be installed before using the purifier.
            ** Will remove trace amounts of Acetone in Acetylene.

            Low Pressure, High Flow Purifier (Model AG6170)                                                         Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
            The AG6170 purifier protects sensitive instruments from water and/or oil contamination which
            ensures more accurate, reproducible test results and prolongs the instrument’s service life. This
            purifier (capable of removing up to 20 times more water than our Model SG6140), may be used
            with non-corrosive gases compatible with aluminum and neoprene at inlet pressures up to 350 psig.
            Three different purifying elements are available (see Ordering Information and Optional Equipment).
            These elements can be replaced without removing the purifier from the process line.

            n  Maximum Operating     n  Maximum Flow Capacity  n  Dew Point Obtainable
              Pressure                 10 scfm for short periods     (4A and 13X M.S.):
              350 psig                 1-3 scfm for extended use    -100  F (1.5 ppm)
            n  Operating Temperature       n  Pressure Drop    n  Dimensions
              Range                    0.12 psi at 3 scfm       15-5/8" H x 4-3/4" D
              -40  F to +200  F        1 psi at 7.5 scfm       n  Approximate Weight    AG6170 Purifier,
                                     n  Inlet & Outlet Connections     4 lb             Element and Gaskets
                                       1/4" MPT
            n  Purifier              n  Purifier               n  Purifier Element      n  Purifier Element
              Shell and Flange Plate:     Strainer Assembly:      Housing: Electrolytic Tin-Plated     Desiccant: 4A, 13X or
              Aluminum                 Monel and Brass          Cold-Rolled Steel         Activated Charcoal as ordered
              Seals: Neoprene                                   Retainer: Polyester Felt Backed
                                                                by Type 316 SS Screen
             Ordering Information                                                 Optional Equipment
            Part Number    Element Type    Used for Removing    Water Capacity   Part Number    Replacement Element
            PRSAG6170   None              N/A                   N/A                          (includes replacement
            PRSAG6170-1   Type 4A Molecular Sieve   Water       134 grams                    gaskets)
            PRSAG6170-2   Type 13A Molecular Sieve   Oil and Water   126 grams   PRSSG6171   Type 4A Molecular Sieve
            PRSAG6170-3   Activated Charcoal   Oil and Heavy Hydrocarbons**   N/A  PRSSG6172   Type 13X Molecular Sieve
            *  Elements are shipped in individually packed, hermetically sealed cans to prevent deterioration.    PRSSG6173   Activated Charcoal
             They must be installed before using the purifier.
            ** Not suitable for Acetylene service.

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   E•337
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