Page 340 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 340
Oxygen Traps
Disposable Oxygen Trap
Praxair’s SG6160 Series Oxygen Traps are designed to remove
trace levels of Oxygen from carrier gases such as Argon, Carbon
Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Helium, Hydrogen, Methane or SG6160 Oxygen Trap
Nitrogen. These traps are also ideal for use with argon-methane
mixtures (i.e. P-5 or P-10 mixtures), commonly used with gas
chromatographs utilizing electron capture detectors. Specifications
These traps incorporate a highly reactive, metal reagent, which is
n Maximum Operating
supported on an inert substrate, coupled with molecular sieves. Pressure n Maximum Flow Capacity
Model SG6160:
Oxygen is removed by chemical reaction with the reagent to form Model SG6160: 125 psig 5 slpm nitrogen at 125 psig
a metal oxide. Oxygen levels can be effectively reduced to less Model SG6162: 125 psig Model SG6162-4:
than 5 ppb when starting levels are 10 ppm or less. To <5 ppb Oxygen when 20 slpm nitrogen at 80 psig
n Efficiency
Model SG6162-2:
Service life of these traps will vary depending on the incoming inlet levels are 15 ppm or less 60 slpm nitrogen at 80 psig
Oxygen level in the carrier gas. However, it is estimated that n Oxygen Capacity n Dimensions
when the starting Oxygen level is <10 ppm, the Model SG6160 Model SG6160: SG6160: 1-1/4" D x 10" L
260 cm (345 mg)
can purify four cylinders (1200 ft ) of carrier gas, while the Model Model SG6162: SG6162: 2-3/8" D x 18" L
n Approximate Weight
SG6162 can typically purify thirty-five cylinders (10,500 ft ) or 3 liters (3200 mg) SG6160: 12 oz
more. We also recommend, where the application’s flow rates SG6162: 3 lb
permit, using these traps upstream of our SG6150 Series Indica-
ting Oxygen Traps (below) to provide a visual indication of Oxygen Materials
breakthrough, thus alerting of the need to replace the trap. n Body n Filters (40 micron)
Aluminum Type 316 Stainless Steel
Ordering Information n Inlet and Outlet Fittings
Part Number Inlet and Outlet Oxygen Capacity Maximum Flow
Connections Capacity Note: Oxygen Traps are not recommended as a replacement for the use
PRSSG6150-4 1/4" compression 22.5 cm (30 mg) 10 slpm at 100 psi of proper high purity gases. Rather, they are designed to provide additional
PRSSG6150-8 1/8" compression 22.5 cm (30 mg) 10 slpm at 100 psi protection from oxygen contamination which might result from system leaks
or diffusion, or to achieve further reduction in oxygen impurity levels for Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
extremely sensitive instrumentation or processes.
Optional Equipment
Part Number Mounting Clip with screws
PRSMC-2 For Model SG6150
n Maximum Operating n Dimensions
Pressure: 100 psig SG6150:
n Maximum Operating 1-1/4" D x 9-1/2" L
Temperature: 100 F SG6151:
n Efficiency 1-3/8" D x 10-1/4" L
SG6150 Trap with To <1 ppb oxygen with n Approximate Weight
MC-2 Optional Mounting Clip inlet levels of 10 ppm or less 1 lb
Glass Encased, Indicating Oxygen Traps n Housing n Seals
Models SG6150 and SG6151 Indicating Oxygen Traps are Inner Tube: Zytel-A Nylon Resin
Silanized Borosilicate Glass
normally recommended for use downstream of non-indicating Outer Tube: n Fittings
Nickel-Plated Brass
oxygen traps (where application flow rates permit) to provide a Polycarbonate Plastic n Filters (40 micron)
visual indication of oxygen breakthrough. Breakthrough is Type 316 Stainless Steel
indicated via a color change in the adsorbent from gray to a
deep brown. Because of their relatively small capacity, Indicating Ordering Information
Oxygen Traps should be used by themselves only in low volume Part Number Inlet and Outlet Connections
applications. PRSSG6160-4 1/4" compression
1/8" compression
These traps consist of a silanized borosilicate glass tube filled PRSSG6162-2 1/2" compression
with a molecular sieve base and activated getter material. PRSSG6162-4 1/4" compression
Oxygen and a wide range of oxides react with the getter material
to form a manganese oxide. The glass tube is enclosed in a clear Optional Equipment
plastic outer shell to provide protection from glass breakage while Part Number Mounting Clip
still allowing for a visual indication of the trap’s condition. PRSMC-1 For Model SG6160
PRSMC-5-2 For Model SG6162 (Set of 2)
1-877-PRAXAIR E•339