Page 405 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 405

Gas Detection Systems

            One to Six Gas Portable Monitor

            n  Enclosure                      n  Language                       n  Operating Temperature and Humidity
              Weatherproof, chemical resistant, RFI/EMI    Readout can display in 5 languages (English,    -20 °C to 50 °C (-4 °F to 122 °F),
              coated high impact polycarbonate-PBT     French, German, Italian, or Spanish)  0 to 95% RH, non-condensing
              blend. Can operate in 2" of water without                         n  Environmental
              leakage. Ergonomically balanced with    n  Alarms                   IP-64
                                                2 Alarms per channel plus TWA and STEL
              rugged top mounted handle. Water and    alarms for toxics. The two alarms are fully
              dust resistant equivalent to IP64  adjustable for levels, latching or self reset,  n  Response Time
            n  Dimensions                       and silenceable                   30 Seconds to 90% (for most gases) using
                                                                                  standard 5 ft hose
              9.5" L x 5.25" W x 5.875" H     n  Alarm Method
            n  Weight                           Buzzer 95 dB at 30 cm, four high intensity    n  Safety Rating
                                                                                  Intrinsically Safe, Class I, Groups A, B, C, D.
              3.8 lbs (standard 4 gas with batteries)  LED’s                      Approvals: CSA / CE
            n  Detection Principle            n  Controls                       n  Standard Accessories
              Catalytic combustion, electrochemical cell,    4 External glove friendly push buttons    Shoulder strap, alkaline batteries, hydro-
              galvanic cell, infrared, photoionization    for operation, demand zero, and auto-   phobic probe, and 5 foot hose, internal
              detector, and thermal conductivity  calibration. Buttons also access LEL/ppm,    hydrophobic filter
            n  Sampling Method                  alarm silence, peak hold, TWA/STEL values,
              Powerful, long-life internal pump (over 6,000    battery status, conversion factors, and many    n  Optional Accessories
                                                                                  n  Dilution fitting (50/50)
              hours) can draw samples over 125 feet.     other features           n  NiMH batteries
              Flow rate approximately 2.0 SCFH  n  Continuous Operation           n  Battery charger, 115 VAC, 220 VAC,
                                                At 70 °F, 18 hours using alkaline batteries,
            n  Display                                                             or 12 VDC (charge time 4 hours)
              3 display modes: display all gases, large     or 20 hours using NiMH  n  Continuous operation adapter,
              font-autoscroll, or large font-manual scroll.    n  Power Source     115 VAC or 12 VDC
              Polyurethane protected overlay. Backlight,  4 alkaline or NiMH, size C batteries       n  Extension hoses
              illuminates for alarms and by demand, with    (Charger has alkaline recognition to prevent
              adjustable time                   battery damage if charging is attempted    n  Warranty
                                                                                Two year material and workmanship, one year
                                                with alkalines)                 for PID sensor.

              Gases and Detectable Ranges
              Gas            Measuring Range   Accuracy         Gas             Measuring Range   Accuracy
                Standard Confined Space Gases                     IR Sensors
              Hydrocarbons   0 - 100% LEL    ± 5% of reading or  Carbon Dioxide   0 - 10,000 ppm   ± 5% of reading or
              (CH 4 , standard)              ± 2% LEL*          (CO 2 )         0 - 5% volume   ± 2% of full scale*
                             0 - 5% volume   ± 5% of reading or                 0 - 60% volume
                             (CH 4 )         ± 2% LEL*          Methane         0 - 100% LEL/   ± 5% of reading or
                             0 - 50,000 ppm   ± 25 ppm or       (CH 4 )         0 - 100% volume   ± 2% of full scale*
                                             ± 5% of reading*   Hydrocarbons    0 - 100% LEL/   ± 5% of reading or
              Oxygen (O 2 )    0 - 40% volume    ± 0.5% O 2                     0 - 30% volume   ± 2% of full scale*
     Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
              Carbon Monoxide   0 - 500 ppm   ± 5% of reading or  PID Sensors
              (CO)                           ± 5 ppm CO*        VOC             0 - 2,000 ppm   –
              Hydrogen Sulfide   0 - 100 ppm   ± 5% of reading or               0 - 50 ppm     –
              (H 2 S)                        ± 2 ppm H 2 S*       TC Sensors
               Toxics                                           Methane (CH 4 )    0 - 100% volume    ± 5% of reading or
              Ammonia        0 - 75 ppm      ± 10% of reading or                               ± 2% of full scale*
              (NH 3 )                        ± 5% of full scale*  Hydrogen      0 - 10% volume   ± 5% of reading or
              Arsine         0 - 1.5 ppm     ± 10% of reading or   (H 2 )       0 - 100% volume   ± 2% of full scale*
              (AsH 3 )                       ± 5% of full scale*  * Whichever is greater
              Chlorine       0 - 3 ppm       ± 10% of reading or
              (Cl 2 )                        ± 5% of full scale*
              Hydrogen Cyanide   0 - 15 ppm   ± 10% of reading or
              (HCN)                          ± 5% of full scale*   i
              Phosphine      0 - 1 ppm       ± 10% of reading or  The EAGLE 2 can be configured
              (PH 3 )                        ± 5% of full scale*   with up to 6 gas sensors from
              Sulfur Dioxide   0 - 6 ppm     ± 10% of reading or
              (SO 2 )                        ± 5% of full scale*   this list.
              * Whichever is greater

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