Page 294 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 294

Gas Delivery Systems

                                              Fully Automatic Changeover Manifolds

            ProSpec  Auto 2                                    ProSpec Auto M5
            Based on the PRS5026 switchover design, the ProSpec Auto 2  The Auto M5 is based on manual 5 valve process panels, with
            is a fully automatic changeover system using the new PLC con-  inert purging capabilities. By incorporating the PLC controller,
            troller SPASW100. The SPASW100 is a touch screen controller   SP8100, we can automate, and control switchover from side to
            that uses an analog input signal to control the switching of gas   side. The SP8100 is a touch screen controller that uses an analog
            from one side to the other. The analog signal can be from a    input signal to control the switching of gas from one side to
            pressure transducer installed on the inlet side of the primary    the other. The analog signal can be from a pressure transducer
            regulators, or from individual scale platforms monitoring weight    installed on the inlet side of the primary regulators, or from individ-
            of a liquefied gas cylinder. Simple Contact Style gauges can also   ual scale platforms monitoring weight of a liquefied gas cylinder.
            be used. The controller also has an emergency shutdown feature   The controller also has an emergency shutdown feature and   Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
            and an additional fault input. The SPASW100 uses a pneumatic   monitors 2 general and 6 safety faults. The SP8100 uses a
            signal to control the switching between two pneumatically    pneumatic signal to controls the shutdown and auto switchover
            actuated high pressure valves.                     via 2 or 4 pneumatically actuated high pressure valves.

              Features and Benefits                              Features and Benefits
            n  PLC Controller* With 3.5"    n  Additional Fault Input Capability  n  PLC Controller* With 3.5"    n  Additional Fault Monitoring
              Touch Screen Interface  n  1X1 Design for pressures up to      Touch Screen Interface    Capability, continued
            n  Fully Automatic Changeover       3000 psig      n  Fully Automatic Changeover        n  Excess Flow (Flow Switch) –
              Capability             n  Outlet pressure range up to      Capability        Critical Fault & Shutdown
                                                                                          n  Flame Detector – Critical Fault
            n  Can Auto Switchover on      400 psig            n  Can Auto Switchover on         & Shutdown
              Pressure and Weight    *  Controller will require a regulated      Pressure and Weight     n  Exhaust Failure (Stack or
            n  Emergency Stop Button Integral      air source @85 psig  n  Controls One or Two Panels     Exhaust Switch) Critical Fault
              to Controller                                    n  Emergency Stop Button Integral       n  Remote Shutdown (Remote
                                                                 to Controller             Stop) Critical Fault &
            i                                                  n  Additional Fault Monitoring      Shutdown
                                                                 Capability             n  1X1 Design for pressures up to
            Other configurations and custom assemblies are available.                     3000 psig
                                                                  n  Displays analog reading of
            Contact a Praxair representative for further details.     scale or transducer  n  Outlet pressure range up to
                                                                  n  Low Cylinder Alarm    500 psig
                                                                  n  Low Purge Source Pressure  *   Controller will require a regulated
                                                                  n  High Outlet Pressure – Critical      air source @85 psig
                                                                  Fault & Shutdown
                                                                  n  Toxic Monitor (Gas Detector)
                                                                  – Critical Fault & Shutdown
                                                               Other configurations and custom assemblies are available.
                                                               Contact a Praxair representative for further details.

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   E•293
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