Page 289 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 289
8000 Gas Delivery System
Dewar and High Pressure Cylinder Changeover System
ProSpec Series 8000 Automatic Dewar and
High Pressure Cylinder Changeover System
The Series 8000 Automatic Changeover System is designed to
provide an uninterrupted flow of gas from two sources, when lower
flow requirements are needed. When one source is in service provid-
ing the gas to process; the other source is on standby, and comes
on line when the current source has depleted. The changeover to
the standby source occurs automatically. Once the changeover has
occurred, a gas technician replaces the depleted source, turns the
changeover regulator hand knob to the next standby source.
The Series 8000 system includes a line regulator to allow adjustment
of the final delivery pressure to the process. Also included are 6'
stainless steel armor-jacketed flexible pigtails, with CGA check valves,
cylinder isolation and vent valves. This configuration gives the operator
the capability to isolate a source from the changeover panel, allowing
replacement of the source without having to shut down the system.
Features and Benefits
n Integral Line Regulator n User Friendly Priority Valve
Constant delivery pressure Single lever operation
n 6' Stainless steel pigtails n Check Valves
Easy cylinder connections Helps prevent backflow
n Preset Dual Back Pressure n Automatic Changeover
Regulators Continuous gas supply
Allows gas flow to enter the
process piping n Panel Mounted
Easy installation
Specifications Materials
n Maximum Inlet Pressure n Bodies
Dewar – 400 psig Brass Barstock
High pressure cylinder – n Diaphragms
3000 psig 316L
n Outlet pressure Range
n Seats/Seals
0-100 psig PTFE
Maximum flow @ 80 psig outlet
Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
25 slpm
n Temperature Range
-40 °F to 148 °F
n Gauges
Ordering Information – Series PRS8000
Series Model A B C D
Number Number of Dewars Number of Cylinders Options CGA
PRS 8000 1: 1 1: 1 1: No Alarm 580
2: 2 2: 2 2: Audio/Visual 320
3: 3 3: 3 540
4: 4
5: 5
6: 6
Example Part Number Serial
PRS8000-112580 = Basic changeover for Number A C
one dewar and one high pressure cylinder, s s s
with alarm and CGA 580. PRS8000-112580
s s s
Model B D
E•288 1-877-PRAXAIR