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Gas Delivery Systems

                                              High Flow Switchover for Non-Corrosive Service

            ProSpec  5033 Gas Delivery Systems
            High Flow/High Purity Switchover System
            The 5033B and 5033S Series high flow/high purity changeover
            systems are designed to provide continuous supply of high purity
            gases to the laboratory, process or instrument. The 5033 Series
            incorporates two regulators set at different delivery pressures,
            and a primary outlet pressure regulator.
            Basic Functional Description
            When primary supply to the changeover (primary) is consumed,
            the secondary supply (reserve) feeds the downstream process.
            By turning the regulator lever counter clockwise, the primary
            supply can then be replenished. When the reserve is depleted
            the primary will then begin to feed the process. With a counter
            clockwise turn of the changeover regulator handknob, the
            reserve side can than be replenished.
            Typically the 5033 Series are used with liquid dewars. The
            standard models come with flexible, all stainless steel (Monel
            lined for oxygen service) pigtails with armor casing. The CGA
            connection on each pigtail has a check valve in the gland to help
            prevent contamination and minimize purging requirements.

              Features and Benefits
            n  High Purity Diffusion    n  Check Valves in Inlet CGA
              Resistant Regulators     Gland
              Minimize the diffusion     Designed to prevent
              of air, no possibility of gas    contamination and back flow                                          Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
              contamination          n  Modular Construction
            n  User Friendly Priority Lever      Allows for easy installation,
              One lever switches cylinder       modular design for a smaller
              priority                 foot print

            n  Maximum Inlet Pressure  n  Helium Leak Integrity
              3000 psig (210 bar)      1 x 10  scc/sec
              Gauge: 0-4000
              Ports: 1/2" NPTF       n  Weight
                                       10.0 lb
            n  Temperature Range     n  Cv
              -40 °F to 165 °F         1.8
              (-40 °C to 74 °C)
                                     n  Flow
            n  Gauges                  up to 5500 SCFH (air)
              2" diameter brass
            n  Outlet Pressure Ranges
              0-125 psig
              0-250 psig
              0-500 psig
              Materials                                          Ordering Information – Series PRS5033-ABC-CGA
            n  Bodies                n  Seal                   A                          B    C         CGA
              Brass barstock           PTFE                    Material of   Outlet Pressure   Assembly   Pigtail
            n  Diaphragms/Spring     n  Filter
              316 stainless steel      10 micron               B: Brass    0:  0- 125 psig   0:  Standard Assembly   Please
                                                               S: Stainless   1:  0-250 psig   1:  Audio/Visual Alarm   specify
            n  Seat
              PTFE                                                Steel    2:  0-500 psig                CGA

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