Page 34 - Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog
P. 34

Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog

Accessories for Cryogenic Containers

Part Number               Cryo Gloves                               Liquid Transfer Hoses
MVE9717119               •	 Safety gloves for cryogenic            •	 Close pitch stainless steel corrugated bore
MVE9717129                                                         •	 Highly flexible for cryogenic applications
MVE9717139                   use                                   •	 ISO 10380 certified for bend cycle life
MVE9717149               •	 Protects hands when                    •	 1160 psi working pressure
MVE9717159                                                         •	 6104 psi burst pressure
MVE9717169                   handling cryogenic liquids            •	 Custom lengths available on request
MVE10464394              •	 Elbow length available for
                                                         Part Number Description
                             extra protection
                                                         PRSUF21-IN3 Inert service, 3ft, CGA295 each end
             Cryoglove, midarm, medium                   PRSUF21-IN6 Inert service, 6ft, CGA295 each end
             Cryoglove, midarm, large
             Cryoglove, midarm, extra large              PRSUF21-OX3 Oxygen service, 3ft, CGA440 each end
             Cryoglove, elbow length, medium
             Cryoglove, elbow length, large              PRSUF21-OX6 Oxygen service, 6ft, CGA440 each end
             Cryoglove, elbow length, extra large
             Cryo Apron                                               Cool Reach and Dippers:
                                                                      •	 Designed for easy retrieval
             Phase Separators
             •	 For dispensing liquid with                               of samples
                                                                      •	 Dippers assist in transfer of
                less splashing
             •	 For use in non-pressurized                               liquid nitrogen

                environments                             Part Number  Description
                                                         MVE13051579  Cryoclaw
Part Number  Description                                 MVE9711589   Dipper, 18” handle, for 10 liter dewar
MVE10615869  Phase separator, 1-5/8” diameter, 4” long   MVE9711619   Dipper, 19” handle, for 20 liter dewar
MVE10615877  Phase separator, 1-5/16” diameter, 3” long  MVE9711679   Swivel dipper
MVE10615885  Phase separator, 1-11/16” diameter,         MVE10668101  Lab10 manual discharge device
             1-1/2” long                                 MVE13464867  Lab 20 manual discharge device
                                                         MVE10668004  Lab 30 manual discharge device
             Faceshields, Safety Glasses:

             •	 For cryogenic use
             •	 Provides extra wrap around
             •	 Windows form a shield from

                dust and debris

Part Number  Description
  NREF300    Faceshield, lightweight
  NREF400    Headgear with 4” crown ratchet
 CRESS110    Clear safety glasses

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