Page 29 - Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog
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Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog

General Considerations for Hyperbaric Oxygen Supply

Compliance                                                           NFPA-50, NFPA-55, requirements:
A hyperbaric oxygen facility consists of a pressurized chamber       •	 Must conform to installation siting requirements
and related equipment used for medical procedures performed          •	 All equipment must be designed and cleaned for oxygen
at pressures above normal atmospheric pressure.
Hyperbaric (HBO) facilities must comply with standards published        service
by the National Fire Protection Association in their pamphlets or    •	 Piping must be tested
standards NFPA-50, NFPA-99, NFPA-55, NFPA-101 as well as
Guidelines published by the Compressed Gas Association in CGA        CGA M-1 Requirements:
M-1. Review the issues related to HBO compliance before install-     •	 Reserve supply for all installations
ing or making changes to a facility.                                 •	 Alarms as specified by NFPA-99

Typical Gas-Source Supply Scenarios                                  Planning
                                                                     If you are planning to install or modify a hyperbaric oxygen facil-
Scenario #1                                                          ity, call your Praxair representative early in the process. Praxair
Installation of a dedicated oxygen system to supply the              offers consultation, site-survey and system assessments to help
Hyperbaric Facility:                                                 round-out your planning to include all medical gases and related
No matter what type of facility you operate, proposed stan-          equipment.
dards require an adequately sized reserve supply of oxygen IN
ADDITION to the main tank. NFPA or CGA recommends a reserve          The information contained herein is not intended to summarize all
supply whether or not the facility is located in a hospital.         of the risk associated with the installation of a hyperbaric oxygen
                                                                     facility nor does it identify the most significant or material risks
Scenario #2                                                          associated with such installation.
Installation of a Hyperbaric Facility tied into an existing oxygen
EXISTING SYSTEM, both the main oxygen source of supply and
the reserve must be evaluated to ensure they are properly sized
to supply the additional volume to the facility, without jeopardiz-
ing the existing pressure and flow requirements of oxygen to
the patients, and the minimum 24hr reserve supply required by
1. The existing source of supply and reserve must be adequately

   sized to support the additional volumes (as above), and
2. A separate auxiliary dual-line regulator module/control cabi-

   net with individual alarms must be located downstream of the
   reserve supply, or
3. A dedicated source of supply and reserve must be installed.

Other Typical Gas Related Issues to be aware of:
In the NFPA’s Standards, particular reference to the following is-
sues should be considered. NFPA-99 Chapter 20 and NFPA-101:
•	 Shut-off valves must be installed at the point of entry to the

   chamber rooms.
•	 Storage and handling must meet the applicable NFPA-99

   Chapter 5 requirements.
•	 The bulk installation must meet NFPA-50 requirements.

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