Page 31 - Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog
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Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog

Dry Ice

Dry Ice for specimen storage and shipping                             Supply reliability and more:
From pharmaceutical lab applications to DNA research and gene         Praxair Healthcare Services offers the benefits of:
splicing, Praxair’s UltraIce® premium dry ice plays an important      •	 Reliability – from choosing the world’s largest carbon dioxide
role in preserving biological samples. That’s why Praxair, the
world’s largest carbon dioxide supplier and a leading supplier           supplier
of medical gases and related technologies, is developing cost-        •	 The industry’s largest production and distribution network
saving applications to meet your biotechnology requirements.          •	 Over 70 years of hands-on experience developing dry ice ap-

Blocks are still the most common form of dry ice. But Praxair’s dry      plications and related technology
ice also takes the shape of snow and nuggets, sheets, slices and      •	 Ongoing support from the industry’s most experienced techni-
rice pellets. Praxair’s dry ice blocks, starting at 50 pounds, are
the most economical form of cold, solid carbon dioxide. They’re          cians and engineers
easily shipped in containers, lose little through sublimation, and
they can be crushed into chunks or sliced into sheets and used        Praxair Healthcare Services also offers a full line of dry ice acces-
for packing. Dry ice snow is perfect for storing biological sam-      sories, from storage chests and handling devices to temperature
ples, while sheets and slices can also meet this need. Praxair’s      data loggers and dry ice makers. See why labs and institutions
nuggets (3/8”, 1/2” or 3/4” in diameter by 1/4” to 1/2” long) and     just like yours have relied on our leadership for over 70 years.
rice pellets (2.9 mm) offer two other safe, convenient shapes and     Call your representative and let us show you how we can deliver
sizes, and many other benefits, including:                            the right solutions for your biotechnology application.
•	 Easy handling and distribution
•	 Quick, economical refrigeration
•	 Precise temperature control
•	 Easy, accurate portion control
•	 Uniform cold distribution for fast, thorough cooling
•	 Come ready to use, eliminating the labor and waste of han-

   dling, cutting, breaking or crushing conventional blocks
•	 Can be scooped and poured between and around products to

   fill any size or shape cavity, or applied directly to the product
   being cooled

  For Safe Handling and Storage of Dry Ice, please refer to our
                “Safety & Reference Data” section.

Ordering Information:

Part Number  Description
 CD SLICED   Sliced, cut to size, 25 lb cut into two 12.5 lb slices (approx 12” x 12” x 3”). 50 lb cut into four slices (approx
             12” x 12” x 3”), shipped in insulated containers
 CD BLOCK    Blocks cut to size, 25 lb cut into one block (12” x 12” x 6”). 50 lb cut into one block (12” x 12” x 12”),
             shipped in insulated containers.
  CD RICE    High density 1/8” diameter. Dry ice pellets, nugget form 1/4”, 5/8”, 3/4” in diameter by 1/4” to 1.5” long,
             shipped in insulated containers.

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Other trademarks used herein are property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is offered for use by technically qualified personnel at their discretion
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