Page 98 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 98

Minor Mixture Components

              Mixture Selection Guide – Summary of Mixtures in Section D
            Acetates (Esters)        Carbonyls                Ketones                   Permanent Gases
            Acids                    Cyanates                 Mercaptans (Thiols)       Phenols
            Alcohols                 Dienes                   Metal Hydrides            Pyridines
            Aldehydes                Ethers                   Nitriles                  Silanes
            Alkanes                  Glycols                  Nitro Compounds           Silicon Halides
            Alkynes                  Halogenated Aliphatics   Nonmetal Hydrides         Sulfides
            Amines                   Halogenated Aromatics    Olefins (Alkenes)         Sulfones
            Aromatics                Halogenated Olefins      Organometalics            Sulfur Bearing
            Bicyclics                Halogens                 Oxides                    Thiophenes
            Boranes                                           Oxyhalides

              Common Minor Components in Specialty Mixtures

            Praxair’s mixture blending    Acetylene           Ethylene Oxide            Nitric Oxide
            capabilities are among the   Ammonia              Halocarbon-14             Nitrogen
            most extensive in the indus-  Argon               Halocarbon-22             Nitrogen Dioxide
            try. We can blend hundreds   Benzene              Helium                    Nitrous Oxide
            of minor components in a   n-Butane               Hexane                    Oxygen
            variety of balance gases in   Carbon Dioxide      Hydrogen                  Pentane
            concentrations from      Carbon Monoxide          Hydrogen Sulfide          Propane
            < 1 ppm to > 50%.        Carbonyl Sulfide          Isobutane                Propylene
            The following section con-   Dimethyl Disulfide   Isobutylene               Sulfur Dioxide
            tains information for binary   Dimethyl Sulfide   Krypton                   Sulfur Hexafluoride
            mixtures of the most com-  Ethane                 Methane                   Toluene
            mon minor components,    Ethanol                  Methanol                     Vinyl Chloride
            such as:                 Ethylene                  Neon                        Xenon

                                 i   If your required component is not listed here, please contact
                                     your Praxair representative for a custom quotation.

              How to Create Your Praxair Mixtures in 3 Easy Steps

            1                        2                         3                        i
            List minor component(s),   Specify desired mixture grade   Specify desired cylinder style.   To simplify reordering,
            desired concentration    to meet your specific require-  For first time mixture orders,   Praxair can create a
            (e.g. ppm, vol%) and specify   ments. Blend tolerance and   consult Praxair for the cylin-  custom part number
            the desired balance gas.  analytical uncertainty can   der style best suited for your   for you that specifies
                                     be specified using Custom   volume and quality needs.  all elements of your
                                     Standard. See page C•92 for                        mixture.

            Example                                                                                                 Section C – Mixtures

              1  s                     2  s                     3  s
            Carbon Dioxide  1200 ppm  Primary Standard          K
            Oxygen       1.0%
            Nitrogen     Balance

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   C•97
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