Page 94 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
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Behind The Scenes

            Safe, Accurate, Consistent, Reliable... Every Time
            Sophisticated communication programs and            ■   Reference Materials
            mixture blending software (worldwide databases         –  Standard Reference Materials (SRM)
            with international access) provide the very latest       –  NIST Traceable Reference Materials (NTRM)
            in mixture technology for our customers.               –  Gas Manufacturer’s Intermediate Standards (GMIS)
                                                                   –  Praxair Primary Laboratory Standards (PPLS)
            ■   Component Raw Material
               All blending source gases and liquids are qualified to    ■  Ongoing Inter-Laboratory Quality Assurance
               ensure that they are appropriate for your application.       Evaluation Programs
               We have determined through experience that certain       –  Performed Quarterly
               impurities affect the performance or stability of the final
               mixture.                                         Praxair’s North American Specialty Gas Facilities are
               We have developed and used special proprietary    staffed with chemists and engineers trained in the
               purification techniques for the removal of critical    preparation and analytical certification of specialty
               impurities. Upon request a complete impurity profile    gas mixtures.
               or specific impurity analyses can be provided.   A knowledgeable sales and technical support team

            ■  Cylinder Preparation                             is ready to assist you in determining and specifying
               Praxair utilizes a series of computer controlled heating,    all your specialty gas needs including: high purity
               vacuum and purge cycles to prepare both aluminum and    gases, calibration mixtures and the correct delivery
               steel cylinders.                                 equipment.
               For low concentration or highly reactive components    Manufacturing And Quality Control
               we use our additional, proprietary cylinder treatment     Producing quality gas mixtures begins with proper cylinder
               processes. With the application of these unique cylinder    selection and preparation to ensure high quality and
               preparation processes, we are able to produce accurate    enhanced stability. Outlets are selected according to
               part per billion and low part per million concentration    Compressed Gas Association (CGA) guidelines.
               reactive gas mixtures with guaranteed stabilities.
                                                                The manufacture and certification of all Praxair specialty
            ■  Blending Systems                                 gases are documented in a comprehensive quality
               Praxair prepares mixtures utilizing  high load, high    assurance manual. Where appropriate, traceability will
               sensitivity Gravimetric Balances, Micro Balance Capillary    be established to Praxair Primary Laboratory Standards or
               Injection, Computerized Dynamic Blending Systems and    to NIST Traceable Standards. All processes, procedures,
               Volumetric Manifolds. In every case we use the method    analytical methods and reports are carefully documented,
               best suited to your application.                 controlled and internally assessed by Praxair Q.C./Q.A.
               All gravimetric balances are calibrated with NIST    Officers.
               traceable weights. All balances, gauges and process
               instruments undergo specified periodic maintenance    Documentation
               and calibration.
            ■   Mixture Homogenization
               Once a particular mixture is prepared, mechanical rolling,    Certificate of Compliance (COC1)
                                                                Document that delineates that a product meets or
               gas turbulence or molecular agitation is used to ensure    exceeds the minimum purity or analytical accuracy
               the homogeneity of the final mixture.
                                                                as specified.
            ■  Analytical Instrumentation                       Certificate of Conformance (COC2)
               –  Gas Chromatography (GC detectors,-            Statement of guarantee that the product from a specific
                 TCD, FID, ECD, HID, DID, FPD, PID, NPD, RGA)   batch conforms to the components, minimum purity and
               –  Chemiluminescence                             maximum impurity specifications as listed.          Section C – Mixtures
               –  Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
               –  Atomic Absorption (GFAA)                      Certificate of Analysis (COA)
                                                                A document that reports the actual analytical test results
               –  Mass Spectroscopy (MS)                        for pure product or for a calibration mixture. Either single
               –  Fluorescence UV                               cylinder or batch analysis certification is available.
               –  Process Instrumentation
                 (NDIR, O 2 , THC, H 2 O)                       Available Upon Request

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   C•93
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