Page 417 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 417

General Safety Information

            Moving Cylinders and Containers                     Storing Cylinders and Containers
            Cylinders and containers must always be moved carefully.   Storage of compressed gas cylinders and cryogenic
            Mishandling that results in a damaged valve or ruptured cyl-  liquid containers is governed by codes of the National Fire
            inder can expose personnel to the hazards associated with   Protection Association (NFPA). Local codes may also apply.
            these gases. In addition, most gas cylinders are heavy and   Know and obey codes governing storage at your location.
            bulky. A cylinder striking someone or pinching a finger, toe,
            or other extremity is a common cause of injury. For these   Safe Practices
            reasons, all cylinder handlers must always wear certain mini-  In general, store cylinders so they can’t be easily toppled
            mum personal protective equipment prescribed by OSHA:  over. Remember, danger exists not only from accidental
            n  Gloves to protect the hands against common pinching    release of gas by cylinders damaged in a fall but also from
              injuries.                                         their striking someone and causing injury. Store cylinders
            n   Safety glasses to protect the eyes against injuries    upright in compact groups, interlocking them so that each
              associated with pressure release.                 cylinder physically contacts those around it. Do not stand
            n  Safety shoes with metatarsal supports to protect against    cylinders loosely or in a haphazard manner.
              foot injuries from falling cylinders.
                                                                A single cylinder that topples over can create a domino
            Before moving a cylinder to the storage area or point of    effect causing other cylinders to fall. Single cylinders should
            use or before returning the cylinder to the supplier, ensure   be secured in place or on a cylinder cart so they can’t be
            the following:                                      readily knocked over.
            n  The outlet valve is fully closed.                Keep stored cylinders out of high traffic areas. Do not store
            n  The outlet valve dust plug or pressure cap is on tight for    them near the edges of platforms. Avoid storage in areas
              cylinders equipped with these protection devices.
            n  The valve protection cap is properly secured in place on    where there are activities that could damage or contaminate
                                                                the cylinders. Electric arc welding can destroy the integrity
              cylinders with neck threads.
                                                                of cylinder metal if a welder carelessly strikes an arc on a
            Note: Valve caps must always be in place while moving or   cylinder. Overhead hoists can drip oil or grease on cylinders,
            transporting cylinders or when they are in storage.  contaminating them. Never store cylinders with flammable
            While moving full or empty cylinders:
            n  Always use carts or hand trucks designed for     Refer to Section E for our full line of safety apparatus
              this purpose.                                     (pages E•389 - E•404) and gas detection systems
            n  Never drop cylinders or allow them to strike each    (pages E•405 - E•409).
              other violently.
            n  Never lift cylinders by the cap or with a lifting magnet.

            After moving a cylinder to its point of use, secure the
            cylinder in place. Use cylinder stands, clamps, or other
            securing devices recommended by your supplier.

     Section F – Safety Information

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