Page 416 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 416

General Safety Information

            Safety Data Sheets                                  n  Check the TC/DOT cylinder markings to be sure you
            A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) formerly known as a Material   understand the pressures contained in the cylinders.
            Safety Data Sheet lists the characteristics and hazards of a   n   Thoroughly inspect the cylinders for any obvious dam-
            specific hazardous industrial material. SDSs tell how to han-  age. The cylinder surface should be clean and free from
            dle, store, and ship the material safely and in accordance   defects such as cuts, gouges, burns and obvious dents.
            with regulations. They also give emergency and first aid    Such damage could weaken the cylinder metal, creating
            procedures for dealing with injuries, fires, leaks, spills, and   a danger of failure, or it could make the cylinder unstable
            other incidents involving the material. Praxair SDSs provide   and more likely to tip over. Make sure the cylinder stands
            additional information such as ratings under various hazard   steady on its base and does not wobble.
            identification systems, listing by certain states, and valve   n   Cylinders with neck threads should have a cap in place
            connection data.                                      over the valve. Remove the cap by hand. Never use
            Under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard,         a screw driver, crowbar, or other leverage device to
            manufacturers of hazardous materials must prepare and   remove the cap. You could accidentally open the valve
            make available an SDS for each hazardous material sold.    or damage it.
            In addition, those purchasing these materials must maintain   n  Check the cylinder valve to be sure it is not bent or
            a file of SDSs in the work place so they are available to their   damaged. A damaged valve could leak or fail, or it might
            employees.                                            not make a tight connection when the cylinder is placed
            Precautionary information on the safe handling of gases   into use. Make sure the valve is free of dirt and oil, which
            listed in this catalog is provided on Safety Data Sheets   could contaminate the gas. Dirt particles propelled in a
            (SDS), which are issued to customers for each product sold.  high-velocity gas stream could cause a spark, igniting a
            We strongly urge you to read and thoroughly understand    flammable gas. Oil and grease can react with oxygen and
            the information contained in the applicable SDS before    other oxidizers, causing an explosion.
            using any of the gases in this catalog.             n   If any cylinder is received with missing or unreadable
            Copies of SDS’s can be obtained thru your Sales Repre-   labels and markings; visible damage; an unstable base;
            sentative, by calling Praxair at 1-800-PRAXAIR or visiting   a missing cap; or a bent, damaged, or dirty valve, do
            our website at  not use the cylinder. Contact your supplier and ask for
            Personal Protective Equipment
            The type of personal protective equipment required at    Testing for Leaks
            a particular location depends on the products handled    After completing the external inspection, proceed as follows:
            at that location. For personal protective equipment    n   Test the cylinder valve for leaks using the leak test
            recommendations, read the SDS for each product handled   method approved by your employer. If you detect
            at your location. Personal protective equipment, available   leakage, follow  your employer’s procedures for handling
            from local safety equipment suppliers, should be selected    leaking cylinders.
            in accordance with standards established by OSHA    Note: It is normal for cryogenic liquid containers to vent
            or NIOSH.                                           through their relief valves to relieve excess pressure build
                                                                up due to heat. This venting is not a leak.
            Receiving Cylinders and Containers
                                                                n   If no leakage is detected, secure the cylinder valve cap in
            External Inspection                                   place before moving the cylinder to the point of use or
            Personnel responsible for receiving cylinders and containers   to the storage area.
            should perform an external inspection on all packages be-
            fore moving them to the point of use or to the storage area.
            Basic guidelines for performing this inspection are
            as follows:
            n   Read the cylinder labels to be sure that the gas is what                                            Section F – Safety Information
              you ordered and that you understand the hazards
              associated with the product. Remember, the label is the
              only means of identifying the product in the cylinder.
              Never identify the product by the color of the cylinder.

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