Page 244 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 244


                                              How to Order Praxair Regulators

            In accordance with our philosophy of flexible design, Praxair    A  Select the desired outlet pressure range from those
            has developed a versatile modular manufacturing system to    available in the A column. The selection of an outlet
            accommodate any individual requirement. With all the options    pressure range automatically specifies the outlet
            Praxair offers, listing discrete part numbers for each regulator   pressure gauge which appears in the adjacent column.
            series would be impossible. Therefore, we have created a part   For example, a regulator with a 0-250 psig outlet
            number matrix which allows you to design a regulator to meet   pressure range will have a 0-400 psig pressure
            the needs of your application.                            gauge installed.
            To complete the part number matrix, consult the Regulator   B  Choose the inlet pressure gauge from those available
            Summary and Reference Guide on page E •241. On this page,   in the B column. While the most common cylinder
            you will find a description of each series of Praxair regulators   pressure is between 2200 psig and 2400 psig, several
            with their recommended application and appropriate gas usage.    gases are stored in cylinders at other pressures.
            You may also refer to the Pure Gases section of the Praxair
            Specialty Gases & Equipment reference guide for equipment    C  Indicate the outlet assembly desired from those avail-
            recommendations that will help you make the proper selec-  able in the C column. Since there are a wide variety of
            tion (see Section B). If you are new to selecting regulators or   tubing and piping systems in use, the matrix accom-
            would like a quick refresher, review steps A through D below.   modates virtually any style of connection, eliminating
            The “quick-find” reference guide on page E •241 will help you   the need for adapters and reducing potential leak
            identify the catalog page that contains the regulator information   paths. Praxair also offers a choice of valve options for
            you need. If you require additional assistance, please consult   gas flow control.
            your local Praxair sales representative or call Praxair customer   D  Select an assembly option from those available in the
            service at 1-877-PRAXAIR.                                 D column. A bare body regulator is shipped without
                                                                      peripherals, with all ports open and unplugged. A
            Example                                                   standard regulator comes completely assembled with
            When using the table below to order a 4000 Series 316L    all selected peripherals, ready for use.
            stainless steel, single stage cylinder regulator with an
            (A) outlet pressure range of 0-50 psig, a (B) 0-4000 psig   CGA  Specify an inlet connection. On all regulator series,
            inlet pressure gauge, a (C) diaphragm valve with a 1/4" tube   Praxair will provide any CGA, DIN 477, BS 341, or other
            fitting, (D) psi/kPa pressure gauges, and a (CGA) CGA 580   standard connection provided it is recognized as safe    Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
            connection for nitrogen service, the part number would be   for the materials of construction and pressure rating
            PRS40222331-580 (see page E •248).                        of the regulator. Consult Praxair for proper selection
                                                                      of the inlet connection. A “000” at the end of the part
                                                                      number indicates inlet connection (1/4" female NPT).

              Regulators PRS4022ABCD-CGA                        Highlighted selection indicates most popular model
              A                          B            C                          D                 CGA
            Outlet Pressure  Outlet Gauge  Inlet Gauge  Outlet Assemblies      Assembly/Gauges    Inlet Connections
            1: 0-15 psig*  30"-0-30 psig  0: None   0: 1/4" FNPT Port          0: Bare Body       CGA, DIN 477,
            2: 0-50 psig  30"-0-100 psig  3: 0-4000 psig  1: 1/4" MNPT         1: Standard Assembly   BS 341 and others
            3: 0-100 psig  30"-0-200 psig  5: 0-1000 psig  2: 1/4" Tube Fitting    (psi/kPa Gauges)  available.
            4: 0-250 psig  0-400 psig  6: 0-300 psig  3: Diaphragm Valve 1/4" Tube Fitting  2: Standard Assembly
            5: 0-500 psig  0-1000 psig  7: 0-400 psig  4: Diaphragm Valve 1/4" MNPT    (bar/psi Gauges)
            7: 0-150 psig  30"-0-200 psig  8: 0-6000 psig  5: Needle Valve 1/4" MNPT  4: Cleanroom Assembly
                                                    6: 1/8" Tube Fitting         (psi/kPA Gauges)
                                                    7: 3/8" Tube Fitting       5: Cleanroom Assembly
                                                    8: Diaphragm Valve 1/8" Tube Fitting    (bar/psi Gauges)
            *  Not available with 5500 psig         9: Diaphragm Valve 1/4" FNPT
             inlet pressure

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