Page 239 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
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Windows and Doors

            Optigas II Gas Fill System

            Filling insulated glass units with an Optigas  II Gas Fill    OptiGas II System Key Benefits
            System can enable window manufacturers to qualify for   Automated – Units are filled with the proper gas, in the
            Energy Star 2015 and Energy Star Best-in-Class ratings    specified proportion, without manual intervention or having
            at lower cost.
                                                                to change design, manufacturing processes or use higher
            The Optigas II System can precisely fill insulated glass with   cost alternatives.
            the right mixtures of Argon and just enough Krypton needed   Reliable – As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of
            to meet your target U value with significantly less waste as   Krypton, Praxair can offer reliable supply at reasonable
            compared to other fill systems that can lose 50% or more   and predictable prices.
            of the Krypton being filled. You can gain an extra U value   Accurate – Precise gas-fill control consistently achieves
            point or more without having to use alternative higher cost   more accurate fill content with less waste than traditional
            options. With Praxair’s consistent, reliable supply of afford-  filling.
            able krypton you can count on a low cost solution. And with
            Optigas ThermalCert built in, you will be able to verify the   High Yielding – By practically eliminating Krypton waste,
            gas content to your customers.                      the OptiGas II System reduces gas usage by half or more
                                                                per window.
            The OptiGas II System also includes IAS Fast-Gas    Tunable –  You’ll be able to target the most effective
            capabilities that provide a fast Argon fill system. So there   Krypton-Argon ratio for each unit, to achieve an optimum
            is no need to have separate fill machines for Krypton and   U value.
            Argon, the OptiGas II System does it all.
                                                                Flexible – The OptiGas II System can be run as a stand-
            Developed jointly by Praxair and Integrated Automation   alone unit or integrated with FeneVision or other ERP or
            Systems, the OptiGas II System employs innovative    production software. The OptiGas II System can fill Krypton
            technologies that give you precise control of the filling   or Argon quickly and consistently.
            process – practically eliminating the waste common with   Verifiable – With the built in ThermalCert quality control
            existing systems – and enables you to cost effectively (and   module you’ll be able to verify gas content to your
            reliably) use krypton and krypton/argon mixes in more of   customers and provide verification data in case of audit.
            your product lines. The result is a measurable competitive
            advantage for your operation because achieving more
            desirable U value targets means you can produce windows
            at a much lower gas cost.

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