Page 102 - ProStar Product Guide
P. 102


               ProStar  Premium Welding Wire

                                                                                      ER70S-6 Automotive
                                                                                      HIGHER COLUMN STRENGTH

                                                                                      ER70S-6 Professional
                                                                                      IMPROVED WETTING
                                                                                      & TRAVEL SPEEDS

              ProStar Twist-Free Welding Wire
                                                                                    Straight and Clean
              No cast or helix—delivering predictive                                from Beginning to End
              performance weld after weld

              ProStar “twist-free” welding wire is the right choice for consistent,   •   Higher productivity, lower
              high-quality welds, throughput, and quality for automated welding      operational costs
              processes. With no cast or helix, users can avoid uneven wear on      •  Consistent, high-quality welds
              consumables—typical with standard welding wires—which can cause
                                                                                    •   Proprietary manufacturing
              arc wander, over-welding, feed issues, and shut-downs.                 process with tight tolerances
                                                                                     provides a premium wire for
              Additionally, ProStar welding wire’s distinctively clean and smooth    high weld quality
              surface, tight chemistry, and our proprietary drawing, coating, and   •   Reduced cast & helix
              packaging processes further help to ensure predictive performance      provides predictive puddle
              and consistent, high-quality welds.                                    placement

              C2                                  1-800 225 8247
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