Page 75 - Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog
P. 75

Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog

General Safety Information                                                  connection with the gas regulating device. The gasket provided is
                                                                            designed for single-use and must be discarded every time a regulator
Moving Cylinders and Containers                                             or cylinder is changed. When changing the regulator or cylinder in a
Cylinders and containers must always be moved carefully. Mishandling        post-style valve, remove the dust cover and never use more than one
that results in a damaged valve or ruptured cylinder can expose person-     gasket to provide the gas-tight seal. Always refer to the manufacturer’s
nel to the hazards associated with these gases. In addition, most gas       instructions for attaching the regulator to the cylinder. The proper way
cylinders are heavy and bulky. A cylinder striking someone or pinching      to open any cylinder valve is to first “crack” the valve (open the cylinder
a finger, toe, or other extremity is a common cause of injury. For these    valve momentarily and then close it), then open it slowly by turning the
reasons, all cylinder handlers must always wear certain minimum             handle or stem counterclockwise. This allows equipment to gradually
personal protective equipment prescribed by OSHA.                           adjust to full pressure. Stop turning as soon as there is any resistance.
•	 Gloves to protect hands against common pinching injuries.                Turning the valve handle or stem too far in the open position can jam the
•	 Safety glasses to protect eyes against injuries associated with pres-    stem causing damage and leaks and preventing later closure. Likewise,
                                                                            overtightening when closing a valve can damage or permanently distort
   sure release                                                             the seat and result in leakage.

•	 Safety shoes with metatarsal supports to protect against foot injuries   Receiving Cylinders – External Inspection
                                                                            Personnel responsible for receiving cylinders should perform an exter-
   from falling cylinders.                                                  nal inspection on all packages before moving them to the point of use
Before moving the cylinder to the storage area or point of use or before    or to the storage area. Basic guidelines for performing this inspection
returning the cylinder to the supplier, ensure the following:               are as follows:
                                                                            Read the cylinder labels to be sure that the gas is what you ordered
•	 The outlet valve is fully closed.                                        and that you understand the hazards associated with the product.
•	 The outlet valve dust plug or pressure cap is on tight for cylinders     Remember, the label is the only means of identifying the product in
                                                                            the cylinder. Never identify the product by the color of the cylinder. A
   equipped with these protection devices (where supplied).                 secondary check of contents may be made by using the CGA connec-
                                                                            tion on the valve.
•	 The valve protection cap is properly secured in place on cylinders       Check the TC/DOT cylinder markings to be sure you understand the
                                                                            pressures contained in the cylinders.
   with neck threads (where supplied). Note: Valve caps must always         Thoroughly inspect the cylinders for any obvious damage. The cylinder
   be in place while moving or transporting cylinders or when they are      surface should be clean and free from defects such as cuts, gouges,
   in storage.                                                              burns and obvious dents. Such damage could weaken the cylinder
While moving full or empty cylinders:                                       metal, creating a danger of failure, or it could make the cylinder un-
                                                                            stable and more likely to tip over. Make sure the cylinder stands steady
•	 Always use carts or hand trucks designed for this purpose.               on its base and does not wobble.
•	 Never drop cylinders or allow them to strike each other violently.       Cylinders with neck threads should have a cap in place over the valve.
•	 Never lift cylinders by the cap or with a lifting magnet.                Remove the cap by hand. Never use a screwdriver, crowbar, or other
                                                                            leverage device to remove the cap. You could accidentally open the
After moving a cylinder to its point of use, secure the cylinder in place.  valve or damage it.
Use cylinder stands, clamps, or other securing devices recommended          Check the cylinder valve to be sure it is not bent or damaged. A dam-
by your supplier.                                                           aged valve could leak or fail, or it might not make a tight connection
Storing Cylinders and Containers                                            when the cylinder is placed into use. Make sure the valve is free from
Storage of compressed gas cylinders and cryogenic liquid cylinders is       dirt and oil, which could contaminate the gas. Dirt particles propelled in
governed by codes of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).       a high velo-city gas stream could cause a spark, igniting a flammable
Local codes may also apply. Know and obey codes governing storage           gas. Oil and grease can react with oxygen and other oxidizers, causing
at your location.                                                           an explosion.
Safe Practices                                                              If any cylinder is received with missing or unreadable labels and
In general, store cylinders so they can’t be easily toppled over.           markings; visible damage; an unstable base; a missing cap; or a bent,
Remember, danger exists not only from accidental release of gas by          damaged, or dirty valve, do not use the cylinder. Contact your supplier
cylinders damaged in a fall but also from their striking someone and        and ask for instructions.
causing injury. Store cylinders upright in compact groups, interlocking
them so that each cylinder physically contacts those around it. Do not      Testing for Leaks
stand cylinders loosely or in a haphazard manner. A single cylinder that    After completing the external inspection, proceed as follows:
topples over can create a domino effect causing other cylinders to fall.    •	 Test the cylinder valve for leaks using the leak test method approved
Single cylinders should be secured in place or on a cylinder cart so they
can’t be easily knocked over. Keep stored cylinders out of high traffic        by your employer. If you detect leakage, follow the employer’s proce-
areas. Do not store them near the edges of platforms. Avoid storage            dures for handling leaking cylinders. Note: It is normal for cryogenic
in areas where there are activities that could damage or contaminate           liquid cylinders to vent through their relief valves to relieve excess
the cylinders. Electric arc welding can destroy the integrity of cylinder      pressure build up due to heat leak. This venting is not a leak.
metal if a welder carelessly strikes an arc on a cylinder. Overhead hoists
can drip oil or grease on cylinders, contaminating them. Never store        •	 If no leak is detected, secure the cylinder valve cap in place before
cylinders with flammable materials.
Opening and Closing Valves                                                     moving the cylinder to the point of use or to the storage area.
Observing a few simple rules when opening and closing valves can
prevent damage to valves and equipment and add years of useful
service life to the valves. Praxair supplies a new gasket/washer with
each cylinder equipped with a post-style valve to ensure a gas-tight

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