On Demand Gas Certification with Electronic Certificates of Analysis from Linde

Oct 5, 2022, 12:23 PM by User Not Found
With lindedirect.com and electronic COAs from Linde, certifying the quality and purity of gases and gas blends supplied to you by Linde just got simpler.

As one of the largest industrial and specialty gases company worldwide, Linde works to consistently provide calibration gases that meet or exceed regulatory standards for your specialty gas needs. To meet this standard, each individually produced specialty gas and gas mixture is supplied with a certificate of analysis (COA) and is attached to each gas cylinder.

The COA contains all the important information regarding the gas mixture, including the actual analytical test results for the pure product or calibration mixture. It also includes the method of analysis, the accuracy of the analysis and the reference standards used. Other details may include the cylinder and valve specifications, the volume and pressure contained, expiration dating as appropriate and proper signatures of authorization. 

Going EOn Demand Gas Certification with Electronic Certificates of Analysis from Lindelectronic

Paper COAs can at times can be difficult to work with. How many times have your COAs gotten lost or damaged during transit? How much time have you spent reaching out to your suppliers so they could resend COA documents? Especially during times of emergency, getting a new COA copy can cause disruptions to your processes, potentially adding incremental costs.

With lindedirect.com you can quickly and easily access an electronic version of this essential documentation and get as many copies when and where you need it. With the exception of medical gases, you can access and print COAs for any specialty gas products you purchase from Linde – immediately. 

How to Access Certificates

To access the electronic certificates, you’ll need a lindedirect.com login. If you do not already have access to your account via lindedirect.com you can request access here. With the username and password, you receive, log onto Lindedirect.com and navigate to the My Account page. Once in your “My Account Page” click on the “eCOA” link on the left-hand navigation. 

From the eCOA home page, select the search option. Populate any of the following search fields to access a listing of cylinders with their associated COAs:

  • Order number
  • Purchase order number
  • Cylinder serial number
  • Linde part number
  • Lot number
  • Issue date

Click on the cylinder record from the search results listed to access the COA you require. Select print and you’ll have a copy instantly. 

It’s important to note that an order for a COA must have been initiated before you can access an electronic copy. The eCOA complements the standard process for obtaining a certificate – it does not replace it. 

Contact Linde

Government regulations require COAs for specialty gases and gas blends you purchase – one for each cylinder you buy. With lindedirect.com and electronic certificates of analysis from Linde, certifying the quality and purity of gases and gas blends supplied to you by Linde just got simpler. To learn more about eCOA or lindedirect.com, contact your local Linde sales representative.