Go Green with PORTAGAS™ PORTAGREEN™ Recyclable Gas Cylinders

Oct 5, 2022, 13:10 PM by User Not Found
PORTAGREEN™ recyclable gas cylinders by PORTAGAS™ help you minimize the hassle and cost associated with disposing of your empty cylinders while reducing your overall carbon footprint.

Today’s businesses are highly eco-conscious. There’s a growing desire to reduce our ecological footprint and recycling is one of the best ways to do our part for the environment – this includes preventing waste surrounding the use of calibration gas cylinders. With tens of millions of cylinders being used each year, the number of single-use disposable calibration gas cylinders is rising as well, resulting in more hazardous waste that must be dealt with through internal remediation processes or the use of companies and services dedicated to this. The costs from these processes or services make recyclable gas cylinders an attractive choice. 

PORTAGREEN™ cylinders are a line of recyclable and sustainable gas cylinders byGo Green with PORTAGAS™ PORTAGREEN™ Recyclable Gas CylindersPORTAGAS™. Our standard PORTAGREEN cylinders are available in five sizes and our MEGACAL™ PORTAGREEN cylinders in three sizes. Our cylinders are more compact than industry standard cylinders and provide the same capacity in portable sizes. 

These ISO 7866 globally approved cylinders are available practically anywhere and when combined with our patented STRIP & SHIP™ return program, you can reuse and refill your gas PORTAGREEN gas cylinders to help you minimize the hassle and cost associated with disposing of your empty cylinders while reducing your overall carbon footprint. 

Taking a more sustainable approach to cylinder management can help you reduce your business’ environmental footprint, save disposal costs and reduce liability risks.

Benefits of PORTAGREEN™ Cylinders

Improves cylinder handling and safety

  • Cylinders are more compact than industry standard calibration gas cylinders but provide the same contents
  • Cylinders are portable, easy to handle
  • Replaces on-site cylinder remediation processes

Our easy-to-use STRIP & SHIP™ process

  • Reduces time spent doing paperwork
  • Minimizes the need for hazardous waste disposal companies
  • Saves money – no return or disposal fees

Reduced carbon footprint

  • Reusable and sustainable cylinders stay out of landfills

The Linde Mission

With the mission of making our world more productive, products and technologies from PORTGAS™ by Linde serve our customers and the environment. We develop applications and initiatives that help enhance our customers’ productivity and improve environmental performance – including PORTAGREEN gas cylinders by PORTAGAS. To learn more, contact PORTAGAS at (713) 928-6477.