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P. 365

Cryogenic Products

            Cryogenic Shipping and Transport

            MVE CryoShipper Series Featuring Advanced
            QWick  Charge Technology
            MVE CryoShippers are designed for the safe transportation    Charge Technology that enables charging with liquid nitrogen in
            of biological samples at cryogenic (-150 °C or colder) tempera-  less than 2 hours.
            tures. Manufactured from durable, lightweight aluminum, they   A protective shipping carton is available for all models (except
            employ a hydrophobic compound which absorbs the liquid   the SC 20/12V). This carton protects the container from being
            nitrogen to ensure spill-free shipping. Because the absorbent   placed on its side and helps withstand the rigors of transporta-
            is hydrophobic, it also repels moisture and humidity, assuring   tion. These containers may be used to ship your samples with
            maximum holding time and eliminating the necessity to dry units   a "non-hazardous" classification throughout the world, thus
            between uses. MVE CryoShippers feature Advanced QWick    reducing costs and helping to assure sample viability.

                                                  SC 2/1V       SC 4/2V       SC 4/3V        SC 20/12V
              Static Holding Time, days           8             13            21             85
              Weight Empty, lb (kg)               6.0 (2.7)     10.0 (4.5)    11.0 (5.0)     25.0 (11.3)
              Weight Charged, Vapor, lb (kg)      8.0 (3.6)     15.5 (7.0)    17.0 (7.7)     43.0 (19.5)
              Weight Full, Liquid, lb (kg)        9.0 (4.1)     20.0 (9.1)    21.0 (9.5)     56.5 (25.6)
              Maximum Storage Capacity
              Number of Canisters                 1             1             1              6
     Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
              Number of 1/2 cc Straws, 10/Cane    –             280           120            540
              Number of 1/2 cc Straws, 1 Level Bulk    88       440           210            780
              Number of 1/4 cc Straws, 1 Level Bulk    182      938           452            1630
              Number of 1.2 and 2 ml Vials, 5/Cane    –         95            40             150
              Number of 1.2 and 2 ml Vials, 6/Cane    9         106           48             180
              Number of Blood Bags Stored, 4R9953    –          –             –              –
              Liquid Nitrogen Capacity, liter     1.5           3.6           4.3            12.3
              Static Evaporation Rate , liters/day    0.19      0.26          0.20           0.09
              Unit Dimensions
              Neck Opening, inch (mm)             1.40 (35.0)    2.75 (70.0)    2.00 (51.0)    2.00 (51.0)
              Overall Height, inch (mm)           13.5 (343)    18.4 (468)    19.4 (492)     25.7 (652)
              Outside Diameter, inch (mm)         7.25 (184)    8.70 (222)    8.70 (222)     14.50 (368)
              Canister Height, inch (mm)          5.0 (127)     11.0 (278)    11.0 (278)     11.0 (278)
              Canister Diameter, inch (mm)        1.20 (31)     2.62 (67)     1.81 (46)      1.50 (38)
              (1)   Without inventory

            Three Year Vacuum Warranty

           E•364                              1-877-PRAXAIR           
   360   361   362   363   364   365   366   367   368   369   370