Page 279 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 279

7000 Regulators

            Special Purpose Regulators for Semiconductor Process Gases

            Single Stage Electropolished 316L Stainless Steel     Typical Applications
            Barstock Body – Two, Three and Four Port           n  Semiconductor process gases
            Configurations VCR Connections                     n  Gas and liquid chromatography
            The 7002 and 7003 Series regulators are intended for second-  n  Ultra high purity carrier gases
            ary pressure control of the highest purity gases or as point of   n  Zero, span, and calibration gases
            use pressure control in semiconductor process gas distribution
            systems. The 7004 Series regulators are intended for primary
            pressure control of semiconductor process gases as well as
            applications requiring constant delivery pressure control,
            regardless of supply pressure variations.

              Features and Benefits of the 702, 703 and 704 Series Regulators
            n  Butt-Welded VCR       n  Pressure Ranges 0-15 to   n  Metal-to-Metal Diaphragm     n  Orientable Captured Vent
              Connections              0-500 psig               Seal                      Capable
              Highest leak integrity available    Broad range of applications    Reduces possibility of gas      Safe and easy installation
            n  316 Stainless Steel   n  3000 psig Inlet Pressure                        n  Field Adjustable Pressure
              Barstock Body            Rating                  n  316L Stainless Steel      Limit
              Enhanced corrosion resistance    Safe use with high     Diaphragm           Safeguard downstream
                                       pressure cylinders       No inboard diffusion      equipment
            n  Front and Rear Panel
              Versatile system configuration

              Specifications                                     Materials
            n  Operating Pressure    n  Ports                  n  Body                  n  Nozzle
              Vacuum to 500 psig (241 bar)    1/4" VCR          316L stainless steel      316L stainless steel
            n  Temperature Range     n  Helium Leak Integrity  n  Bonnet                n  Spring
              -40 °F to 140 °F         1 x 10  scc/sec          Chrome-plated brass barstock    Elgiloy ®
              (-40 °C to 60 °C)
                                     n  Cv                     n  Poppet                n  Seat
                                       0.06                     Stainless steel           KEL-F  81
              Ordering Information –                              Highlighted selection indicates most popular model
              Series PRS7002-ABCD, PRS7003-ABCD and PRS7004-ABCD
                             A                                  B      C              D
            Series 7002   Outlet Pressure   Outlet Gauge   Inlet Gauge   Port Configuration   Assembly/Gauges
                          1:  0-15 psig   0:  None   0:  None   0:  1/4" Tube Stub   0:  Bare Body
     Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
                          2:  0-50 psig                        1:  FVCR x MVCR     1:  Standard Assembly
                          3:  0-100 psig                       2:  MVCR x MVCR
                                                               3:  MVCR x FVCR
                                                               4:  FVCR x FVCR
                                                               5:  IFS x IFS
                                                                  (IFS = Internal Face Seal)

                             A                                B      C                D
            Series 7003   Outlet Pressure   Outlet Gauge   Inlet Gauge   Port Configuration   Assembly/Gauges
                          1:  0-15 psig   30"-0-30 psig   0:  None   0:  1/4" Tube Stub   0:  Bare Body (Welded Gauge Ports)
                          2:  0-50 psig   30"-0-100 psig       1:  FVCR x MVCR     1:  Standard Assembly Welded Gauge Ports)
                          3:  0-100 psig   30"-0-200 psig      2:  MVCR x MVCR     2:  Bare Body (IFS Guage Ports)
                                                               3:  MVCR x FVCR     3:  Standard Assembly (IFS Gauge Ports)
                                                               4:  FVCR x FVCR
                                                               5:  IFS x IFS

                             A                                  B      C              D
            Series 7004   Outlet Pressure   Outlet Gauge   Inlet Gauge   Port Configuration   Assembly/Gauges
                          1:  0-15 psig   30"-0-30 psig   0:  None   0:  1/4" Tube Stub   0:  Bare Body (Welded Gauge Ports)
                          2:  0-50 psig   30"-0-100 psig   3:  0-4000 psig   1:  FVCR x MVCR   1:  Standard Assembly Welded Gauge Ports)
                          3:  0-100 psig   30"-0-200 psig   6:  0-1000 psig   2:  MVCR x MVCR   2:  Bare Body (IFS Guage Ports)
                                                               3:  MVCR x FVCR     3:  Standard Assembly (IFS Gauge Ports)
                          Other outlet pressure ranges
                          available upon request.

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