Page 258 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 258

2002 Regulators

                                              High Purity Economical Regulators

            Single Stage Chrome-Plated, Five-Port
            Configuration, 316L Stainless Steel Diaphragm
            The 2002 Series regulators are intended for primary pressure control
            of non-corrosive, high purity or liquefied gases. It is recommended
            for applications where minor fluctuations in outlet pressure due to
            diminishing inlet supply pressure can be tolerated.

              Typical Applications
            ■  Gas supply purging    ■  Calibration gas control
            ■  Gas system charging   ■  Atomic absorption acetylene
            ■  Fuel gas supply control

              Features and Benefits
            ■  Chrome-Plated Barstock   ■  High Flow Capacity      ■  Stainless Steel Diaphragm  ■  Large Convoluted Diaphragm
              Body                     Supply multiple use locations    No inboard diffusion    Smooth pressure transition
              Economical high purity design
                                     ■  Outlet Pressure Ranges
                                       0-15 to 0-200 psig
                                       Broad range of applications

              Specifications                                     Materials
            ■  Maximum Inlet Pressure  ■  Ports                ■  Body                  ■  Filter
              3000 psig (210 bar)      1/4" FNPT                Chrome-plated brass       10 micron sintered bronze  Section E – Gas Handling Equipment
            ■  Temperature Range     ■  Helium Leak Integrity  ■  Bonnet                ■  Diaphragm
              -40 °F to 140 °F         1 x 10  scc/sec          Chrome-plated die-cast zinc    Stainless steel
              (-40 °C to 60 °C)
                                     ■  Cv                     ■  Seat                  ■  Internal Seals
            ■  Gauges                  0.17                     PTFE Teflon ®             Viton ®
              2-1/2" diameter
              chrome-plated brass    ■  Weight
                                       4.25 lb (1.9 kg)
              Ordering Information – Series PRS2002ABCD-CGA       Highlighted selection indicates most popular model
              A                               B         C                        D                  CGA
            Outlet Pressure   Outlet Gauge   Inlet Gauge   Outlet Assemblies   Assembly/Gauges   Inlet Connections
            1:  0-15 psig   0-30 psig   0:  None     0:  1/4" FNPT Port        0:  Bare Body     CGA,
            2:  0-40 psig   0-60 psig   3:  0-4000 psig   1:  1/4" MNPT        1:  Standard Assembly   DIN 477,
            3:  0-120 psig   0-200 psig   5:  0-1000 psig   2:  1/4" Tube Fitting      (psi/kPa Gauges)   BS 341
            4:  0-200 psig   0-400 psig   6:  0-400 psig   3:  Diaphragm Valve 1/4" Tube Fitting   2:  Standard Assembly   and others
            5:  0-15 psig*   0-30 psig               4:  Diaphragm Valve 1/4" MNPT      (bar/psi Gauges)   available
                                                     5:  Needle Valve 1/4" MNPT
                                                     6:  1/8" Tube Fitting
                                                     7:  3/8" Tube Fitting
                                                     8:  Diaphragm Valve 1/8" Tube Fitting
            * With red line for acetylene use.         9:  Diaphragm Valve 1/4" FNPT

              Option                         Part Number             Description
            Protocol Station                 Add Letter “M” after CGA   See page E •281 for details
            Protocol Switchover Station      Add Letter “C” after CGA   See page E •282 for details
            Protocol Switchover Station with Alarm     Add Letter “G” after CGA   See page E •283 for details
            Protocol Alarm Station           Add Letter “A” after CGA   See page E •283 for details
            Deep Purge                       Add Letter “D” after CGA   See page E •279 for details

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   E•257
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