Page 220 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
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Laser Gases and Support
Enhancing Laser
Praxair’s LaserStar gases are the right choice for your laser Laser Assist Gases and Gas Supply Modes
system. Our knowledgeable team can help you design a Praxair provides high quality laser assist gases to support and Support Laser Gases
complete laser gas solution Including high quality resonator your laser operation. With gas supply modes ranging
and assist gases, supply modes and delivery systems that from single cylinders and clusters, to microbulk and bulk
are best for your laser operation. supplies, we can provide a custom system appropriate for
your production needs.
LaserStar Resonator Gases
Lasers must be protected from moisture, hydrocarbons, Gas Distribution Equipment and Systems
and other contaminants that can be introduced into the A properly designed gas supply system is key to protecting
resonator by the gas supply system. These impurities the purity and integrity of your laser gases and to protect
may reduce laser productivity and power, create unstable your laser resonator from contaminants. A gas delivery
operating characteristics, may cause damage to expen- system including Praxair’s LaserStar gas handing equipment
sive optics, and may contribute to costly down time. Using can help ensure the delivery of your high quality gases from
Praxair’s LaserStar Resonator gases can add years to the your supply to your resonator.
CO laser resonator life and reduce maintenance expense. Laser Inspection
LaserStar 5.0 resonator gas is available as a 99.999% pure Praxair’s Laser inspection provides a detailed report of
gas or pre-blended mixtures of helium, nitrogen, carbon your laser system’s health and a list of what is operating
dioxide and when required, hydrogen and is five times outside of specifications to help you identify and plan for
cleaner than the industry standard laser resonator gas. maintenance needs.
Praxair’s patented LaserStar 5.5 resonator gas is available Technical Support and Customer Service
as 99.9995% pure or pre-blended mixtures and is ten times Praxair’s expert team can help you plan your laser purchase,
cleaner than the industry standard resonator gas. It would provide the right gas supply system for your facility and help
take 20 cylinders of LaserStar 5.5 resonator gas to deliver you keep your laser operating productively with support and
the same level of contaminants in just two of the industry excellent customer service.
standard resonator gas.
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