Page 190 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 190

Industrial Hygiene

                                              Special Purpose Regulators for Transportable Cylinders                Industrial Hygiene

            6000 Series Multiflow Regulators                   8000 Series Pressure Demand Regulators
            The 6000 Series regulators are for use with transportable    The 8000 Series pressure demand regulators are for use with
            D(58), D(103) and D(221) (58, 103 and 221 liter) non-refillable   transportable D(58) and D(103) (58 and 103 liter) non-refillable
            cylinders and can be configured for use with high pressure    cylinders and can be configured for use with refillable cylinders.
            refillable cylinders. These aluminum single stage piston style    This regulator is designed to automatically provide the correct
            regulators are recommended for applications requiring a fixed   flow of gas to instruments that have internal pumps for introduc-
            rate. Their aluminum construction is compatible with a wide    ing calibration gas into the instrument. Typical activation suction
            range of pure gases and mixtures, including hydrogen sulfide,    is from 0 to 3 inches of water, which conveniently matches the
            nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide. The regulator has eight flow    requirements for the many different portable gas monitors on
            settings ranging from 0.2 to 6 liters per minute. It is available    the market. The 8000 Series can be configured for cylinders
            with either a stainless steel or brass gauge and your choice    with supply pressures of 500 psig to 1000 psig. The body of the
            of CGA connections. Gauges are 1,000 psig for non-refillable   regulator is nickel plated brass, has an aluminum bonnet and
            cylinders or 3,000 psig for high pressure refillable cylinders.  features Viton  as the seating material for reactive gases. The
                                                               aluminum and nickel plated brass are compatible with a wide
              Features                                         range of pure gases and mixtures, including hydrogen sulfide,
            ■  Piston Type Construction  ■  1-1/2" x 1000 or    nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide. This regulator features an outlet
            ■  Preset Flow Ratings     3000 psig gauge         fitting which is a 3/16" hose barb.
                                                               The 8660 Series pressure demand regulator is for use with the
                                                               CGA 660 outlet connection and high pressure refillable cylinders.
            ■  Maximum Inlet Pressure  ■  Inlet Fitting        It features a gauge available in stainless steel for reactives or
              2000 psig                5/8" – 18 unf (C-10) or
            ■  Temperature Operating     specified CGA         brass for non-reactives, with a pressure range of 0 to 3000 psig.
              Range                  ■  Outlet Fitting
              0 °F to 140 °F           3/16" Hose barb           Features
              (-18 °C to 60 °C)                                ■  Flow Dependent on     ■  Variable Flow Ratings
            ■  Outlet Flow Settings (Orifice)                   Instrument Demand       ■  1000 or 3000 psig gauge
              0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,
              5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0 Lpm                          Specifications

              Materials                                        ■  Maximum Inlet Pressure  ■  Outlet Fitting
                                                                 2000 psig                 3/16" Hose barb
            ■  Body                  ■  Seat                   ■  Temperature Operating   ■  Outlet Flow Settings
              Aluminum                 KEL-F ®                   Range                     Variable, matches
            ■  Spring Housing Cap    ■  Inboard Filter           0 °F to 140 °F (-18 °C to 60 °C)     instrument requirement
              Aluminum                 50 micron sintered      ■  Inlet Fitting            Flow range, .25 to 3 Lpm
            ■  Nozzle                  stainless steel           5/8" – 18 UNF (C-10) or
              Aluminum               ■  Pressure Adjusting Spring      CGA 330 or CGA 660
                                       Heat-treated mild steel wire
              Ordering Information — 6000 Series
                                                               ■  Body                  ■  Seat and Seals
            Part Number   Description                           Nickel plated brass       Viton  and Teflon ®
            PRS6C10N    Regulator for 103 liter cylinder, brass gauge, 1000 psig  ■  Bonnet
            PRS6C10R    Regulator for 58 liter cylinder, SS gauge, 1000 psig    Aluminum  ■  Gauges
                                                                                          0-1000 psig for C-10 fittings
            PRS6165     Regulator with CGA 165 inlet, 1000 psig                           0-3000 psig for CGA 330
            PRS6590     Regulator with CGA 590 inlet, 3000 psig                           and CGA 660
            PRS6330     Regulator with CGA 330 inlet, 3000 psig
                                                                 Ordering Information – 8000 Series
                                                               Part Number   Description
                                                               PRS8C10N    Regulator for 103 liter cylinder, brass gauge, 1000 psi
                                                               PRS8C10R    Regulator for 58 liter cylinder, SS gauge, 1000 psig
                                                               PRS8580     Regulator with CGA 580 inlet, 3000 psig
                                                               PRS8590     Regulator with CGA 590 inlet, 3000 psig
                                                               PRS8330     Regulator with CGA 330 inlet, 3000 psig
                                                               PRS8660     Regulator with CGA 660 inlet, 3000 psig

            1-877-PRAXAIR                                                   D•189
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