Page 181 - Praxair - Specialty Gases and Equipment Solutions
P. 181

Hydrocarbon Processing

            Multicomponent Mixes

            Praxair can supply gas blends containing over 100 individual components.
            Our Mix-Cal software program evaluates your specific product mix needs
            verifying component compatibility and calculates the mixture requirements
            ensuring safe multicomponent high quality gas blends.

            ■  Decahydronaphthalene, (Mixed Isomers)  ■  Ethylcyclopentane       ■  Isopropylbenzene
            ■  Dibenzothiophene               ■  Ethylcyclopropane              ■  Isopropylcyclohexane
            ■  Dicyclohexane                  ■  Ethylene                       ■  Isopropylcyclopentane
            ■  Dicyclopentadiene              ■  Ethylene dibromide             ■  m-Chlorotoluene
            ■  Diethanolamine                 ■  Ethylene glycol                ■  m-Cresol
            ■  Diethyl Disulfide              ■  Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether  ■  m-Diethylbenzene
            ■  Diethyl ether                  ■  Ethylene oxide                 ■  Menthol
            ■  Diethyl sulfide                ■  Ethylenediamine                ■  Methane
            ■  Diethylamine                   ■  Fluorobenzene                  ■  Methanol
            ■  Diethylbenzenes (Mixed Isomers)  ■  Formaldehyde                 ■  Methyl acrylate
            ■  Diethyoxymethane               ■  Furfural                       ■  Methyl bromide
            ■  Difluoromethane                ■  Halocarbon-410a                ■  Methyl chloride
            ■  Diisobutyl sulfide             ■  Halothane                      ■  Methyl ethyl sulfide
            ■  Diisopropyl disulfide          ■  Helium-3                       ■  Methyl fluoride
            ■  Diisopropyl sulfide            ■  Henicosane                     ■  Methyl formate
            ■  Dimethyl ether                 ■  Heptacosane                    ■  Methyl isobutyl ketone
            ■  Dimethyl methylphosphonate     ■  Hexachlorobenzene              ■  Methyl isopropyl ketone
            ■  Dimethyl sulfide               ■  Hexacosane                     ■  Methyl mercaptan
            ■  Dimethyl trisulfide            ■  Hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene         ■  Methyl perfluoropropyl ether
            ■  Dimethylacetamide              ■  Hexamethyldisiloxane           ■  Methyl propyl ether
            ■  Dimethylamine                  ■  Hexatriacontane                ■  Methyl tert-butyl ether
            ■  Dimethylethylamine             ■  Humulene                       ■  Methylacetylene
            ■  Dimethylnaphthalenes (Mixed Isomers)    ■  Hydrogen              ■  Methylamine
            ■  Dimethylsulfoxide              ■  Hydrogen bromide               ■  Methylcyclobutane
            ■  Diphenyl                       ■  Hydrogen chloride              ■  Methylcycloheptane
            ■  Diphenylmethane                ■  Hydrogen fluoride              ■  Methylcyclohexane
            ■  Di-tert-butyl peroxide         ■  Hydrogen iodide                ■  Methylcyclopentane
            ■  Di-tert-butyl sulfide          ■  Hydrogen sulfide               ■  Methyl-d3-benzene-d5
            ■  d-Limonene                     ■  Indan                          ■  Methyl-d3-ether
            ■  Docosane                       ■  Indene                         ■  m-Ethyltoluene
            ■  Dotriacontane                  ■  Isoamyl acetate                ■  N,N-Dimethylformamide
            ■  Eicosane                       ■  Isoamyl mercaptan              ■  Naphthalene
            ■  Epichlorohydrin                ■  Isobutane                      ■  Natural gas
            ■  Ethane                         ■  Isobutanol                     ■  n-Butanol
            ■  Ethanethiol (Ethyl Mercaptan)   ■  Isobutyl acrylate             ■  n-Butyl Disulfide
            ■  Ethanol                        ■  Isobutyl Mercaptan             ■  n-Butyl disulfide
            ■  Ethyl chloride                 ■  Isobutyl methacrylate          ■  n-Butyl mercaptan
            ■  Ethyl disulfide                ■  Isobutylbenzene                ■  n-Butyl methacrylate
            ■  Ethyl fluoride                 ■  Isobutylcyclohexane            ■  n-Butyl sulfide
            ■  Ethyl iodide                   ■  Isobutylcyclopentane           ■  n-Butylacetate
            ■  Ethyl methacrylate             ■  Isobutylene                    ■  n-Decylcyclohexane
            ■  Ethyl methyl disulfide         ■  Isohexene                      ■  n-Decylcyclopentane
            ■  Ethyl methyl ether             ■  Isopentane                     ■  n-Dodecyl alcohol
            ■  Ethyl propyl ether             ■  Isoprene                       ■  n-Dodecylcyclohexane
            ■  Ethyl tert-amyl ether          ■  Isopropanol                    ■  n-Dodecylcyclopentane
            ■  Ethyl tert-butyl ether         ■  Isopropyl Disulfide            ■  n-Eicosylcyclohexane
            ■  Ethylacetylene                 ■  Isopropyl ether                ■  n-Eicosylcyclopentane
            ■  Ethylamine                     ■  Isopropyl fluoride             ■  N-Formylmorpholine
            ■  Ethylcyclobutane               ■  Isopropyl Mercaptan            ■  n-Heptadecane
            ■  Ethylcycloheptane              ■  Isopropyl nitrate              ■  n-Heptadecylcyclohexane
            ■  Ethylcyclohexane               ■  Isopropylamine                 ■  n-Heptadecylcyclopentane

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