Page 180 - ProStar Product Guide
P. 180
ProStar Portable Dust & Fume Collectors
It's Time to Clear the Air
Praxair’s ProStar portable dust and
fume collectors can help you clear Applications:
• Small manufacturing, light
the air at a very affordable price to medium fabrication
• Maintenance and repair shops
• Schools and training facilities
ProStar Portable Dust & Fume Collectors and GTAW processes
For a welding facility owner, devoting Our portable ProStar units support standard-feature set. Features
attention and resources to identifying multiple filter options such as include 1,200 cfm airflow, 1.5 hp
and reducing welding fume exposure MERV 11, MERV 16, and PTFE/ motor with ball bearings, a pre-
can be time-consuming and costly. E11, and are suitable for use while assembled fume arm (enabling
welding on a variety of materials. setup in under fifteen minutes), a
Praxair’s new ProStar portable fume
circuit breaker protecting the motor
collectors provide an affordable and Praxair's pricing creates exceptional
and all circuitry, welded 14-gauge
easily deployed solution that can value compared to competitive
shell construction, and a base unit
help you protect your indoor shop systems. In fact, ProStar portable
that is manufactured in the U.S.A.
environment and your workers. fume collectors provide an extensive
E18 1-800 225 8247