Page 26 - Praxair Productivity Catalog
P. 26


              ProStar PRS400HD
              CNC Plate Cutting System

                                                                                         PRECISION HD CUTTING
                                                                                     PROFILES UP TO 16 FT. × 150 FT.
                                                                                      Machine shown with optional equipment.

              Praxair's ProStar PRS400HD CNC plate cutting system  ProStar PRS400HD CNC plate cutting system  ProStar  STANDARD EQUIPMENT
              features heavy-duty precision cutting for large fabricators
              and steel service centers where production speed and
              reliability are primary concerns. Floor-mounted rails    Dual side-drive gantry with high-powered Bosch Rexroth  AC
              facilitate cutting of thick material. Advanced motion   brushless drives
              control enables use of conventional plasma—or high-     Floor-mounted 30 lbs./ft. machined rails, adjustable leveling
                                                                      pads, dual drive, and digital synchronization
              amperage, high-defi nition cutting systems for superior    Hypertherm EDGE Connect  numerical controller with USB
              quality cutting on thick material.* Wireless CNC control   interface and wireless networking
              on the PRS400HD supports all functions required         19-in. active matrix LCD touch screen
              for oxy-fuel, contour-bevel plasma cutting and/or       Power track guide and heat shields to protect hoses and cables
              drilling, as well as fi le conversion and part tracking.  from wear and sparks
                                                                      Water table control at the operator’s console
                                                                      Non-contact electronic proximity switches
                                                                      Rack & pinion drive with precision planetary gearbox
                                                                      18 homing positions and procedures to square the gantry during
                                                                      Air blast and wiper system to clean rails
                                                                      2 in. stainless steel drive band for slave/mirror image cutting
                                                                      Three-part automotive paint fi nish

                                                         The PRS400HD accepts an optional 5-axis
                                                         Rotobevel beveling station and/or 10 hp drill*

              A16                                 1-800-225-8247     
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